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Questions tagged [exceptionhandler]

The tag has no usage guidance.

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Appropriate way to handle exception in Java n-tier application

I have three layers in my application Controller, Service and DAO. My controller and service layers are in spring meanwhile DAO layer is in Hibernate 6. My question is what is most appropriate way to ...
Yasin Ahmed's user avatar
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Global Exception Handler In flask

I am new to flask and python so please pardon me if the answer is obvious. My flask app has a scheduler and which opens many threads at different time that do specific different work and also run some ...
xyz's user avatar
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If Migration is not sent to the database, UseExceptionHandler Middleware will not work. Why?

I added a new property in a entity class. I didn't create migration. After that, I tried to use UseExceptionHandler middleware. It successfully triggered error action method but the view didn't appear....
Onur's user avatar
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Why is my Laravel 11 exception handler not working?

Using Laravel 11, exception handling is moved to the bootstrap/app.php file. I'm trying to catch AuthorizationException and pass the user back to the dashboard with the 403 message: // bootstrap/app....
Phil Tune's user avatar
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How do I make rails exception_handler gem "verbose"?

I am building a rails CRUD app. I have installed the exception_handler gem and it works well enough. However I would like it to give more info in the browser. For example, trying to create a new ...
danmcb's user avatar
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FastAPI - Using exception handler in middleware throws Internal Server Error [duplicate]

import uvicorn from fastapi import FastAPI, Query, Body, Request, HTTPException, status, Path from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from typing import ...
aptro044's user avatar
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WinUI 3 (Windows App SDK) Globalized Exception Handling

In WinForms, we used the following in Main() or some other startup event: System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadException += ExceptionHandler.Handle; I searched for something similar in WinUI3 (...
E. A. Bagby's user avatar
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Exception not propagating in calling method

I have a method abc() in which the request is forwarded to other controller actions based on some condition. Is it possible to catch exception thrown in oneMethod of class oneController inside catch ...
Prickriti's user avatar
2 votes
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Exception handling in grails 2.2.3

I am developing an old project (grails 2.2.3 based on jdk 7). I want to use something like @controllerAdvice for exception handling rather than try catch in every controller method and I am not sure ...
Alireza Mousavi's user avatar
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Serilog don't write to DB in IExceptionHandler (.NET 8)

I want to create a global error handler for .NET Core 8. Here's the code: public class ExceptionHandlingMiddleware : IExceptionHandler { private readonly ILogger<ExceptionHandlingMiddleware> ...
Jens B's user avatar
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Advice for the Quarkus way for fireandforget a long running method via a rest-endpoint

I've created a rest endpoint which returns immediately a 202. In the meantime it uses Vertx eventbus to add an event to the bus. Another method which uses the @ConsumeEvent annotation starts a process ...
Sunfile's user avatar
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Unhandled database error not showing error page

I have a .NET 8 web application that uses the data protection feature where a SQL database table is used for the keyring values. If the database connection fails, the application is unable to obtain ...
Robert Galante's user avatar
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how to avoid handling `AbortedException` with Spring WebFlux while handling for generic Exceptions?

all, we have a large Spring WebFlux code-base that relies on certain @ExceptionHandler / @RestControllerAdvice. and we have a case for Exception.class that basically logs the exception as error and ...
62mkv's user avatar
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How to handle Exceptions in Java

I have a script that process millions of data. Same data are corrupted, thus the framework I use is fail and throws exception. I am dependent to a framework that I cannot change/update. I have use it ...
Kaan Ateşel's user avatar
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Dart : The method 'errMsg' isn't defined for the class 'Object'

class AmtException implements Exception { String errMsg() => 'Amount should not be less than zero'; } void main() { try { var amt = -1; if (amt < 0) { throw AmtException(); ...
Ritesh's user avatar
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