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Questions tagged [drupal-webform]

The Webform module can be used to create contests, personalized contact forms, or petitions.

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File upload element is not listing in Drupal 10 Webform

i am creating a form in Drupal 10 using Webform. i am able add elements like "Textfield", "TextArea" etc. When i try to add "File upload", nothing is listing. Please find ...
iamsumesh's user avatar
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Drupal Entity print pdf token for Webform Rest Handler

I have a webform that uses webform remote handlers Drupal module to send the data in custom json format, with files in base 64. I need to include the base64 of pdf created by webform enitity print ...
Lena's user avatar
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How can I protect my Drupal Webform website from spam?

I'm using the Captcha module in the forms, but the client informed me that I'm receiving a lot of spam in the contact form submissions. How can I reduce this? And how can I test this locally before ...
ELIZ Des's user avatar
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Drupal webform element for HTML5 input type datetime-local

I would like to include a field in a Drupal 10 Webform that uses the HTML5 input type "datetime-local". The available webform element for date and time appears to split the date and time ...
Josh Cronin's user avatar
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Why are my form fields, built using Drupal Next.js Webforms, not displaying the Help Text?

I'm running decoupled Drupal with Next.js Webform. In the CMS, I gave the First Name form field a help-text value. In the Webform preview, this help-text feature displays... ...but on the actual page,...
Skjervoy's user avatar
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How to get the value of a field by the field type

I have a webform handler and I need to get all the file Ids of field type #webform_document_file. There are multiple of these fields with different field names but same type, would like to optimize ...
pemson pereira's user avatar
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Telephone element is not adding the country code on load

Hello im using Drupal9 and webforms. Our forms should support international phone numbers, the country selection list is visible but on load is not adding the country code so the users are getting ...
marf's user avatar
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Twig print values and strings in set statements

This twig template is not DRY. {% set reviewer_0 = webform_token('[webform_submission:values:reviewer:0:entity:mail:clear]', webform_submission, [], options) %} {% set reviewer_1 = webform_token('[...
esod's user avatar
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Is there a faster way to create conditional email handlers with Drupal 8 than adding emails one by one?

I'm creating a Drupal 8 webform that will collect issues submitted by users. The users belong to different institutions, and I'd like to send the submission to the appropriate institutional contact (...
user21645989's user avatar
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Drupal 9 Webforms - Attach/Trigger Remote Post Webform Handler on Programmatic Webform Submission Update (CRON)

I have been digging around for about a week trying to figure this out and still have not come across anything that works or is even close. The idea is that I have a custom webform. This webform has an ...
Marvin WordWeaver Parsons's user avatar
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Drupal hook is not applied to the website

I am writing a custom hook in my request related webform which grants access of a radios field (approve, reject, forward to) to the email address that is entered in an email field (by requestor). the ...
smbbb's user avatar
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how to remove "This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions" of captcha

""This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions"" Hi, Im looking for a way to remove this text from captcha section ...
ErfanUsefi's user avatar
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Print the table based on the selected option of a radio element

I have a radio element with three options (Normal, Time Sensitive, and Hold For Pick-Up). Every time an user clicks an option, an unique table element for the option (for user to fill information) ...
drupaljr's user avatar
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Pre-populate Fields in webform Drupal 9

Is it possible to pre-populate a drupal9 webform with values from the database? I have two webforms. Customers and Service Report. The customer information will be filled in from the office and the ...
rene's user avatar
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How do you adjust the width of a custom composite's element? (Drupal 9 webform)

A webform I am customizing has 9 elements in a composite. Since there are too many of them, the composite is exceeding the fieldset you will see below. This is the picture of the composite I would ...
drupaljr's user avatar

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