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Questions tagged [delphi]

Delphi is a language for rapid development of native Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android applications through use of Object Pascal. The name refers to the Delphi language as well as its libraries, compiler and IDE which is used to help edit and debug Delphi projects.

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How to make dynamic reports with a Firebird DB?

I have a large Firebird database containing details of thousands of individual custom product orders. What are the best options to create reports of these orders that can be filtered and sorted? We ...
Eo04837's user avatar
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Integration testing FMX app, page_source doesn't contain app controls

I'm exploring the idea of creating integrations tests for my FMX app. Ideally I'd be able to execute these tests for multiple platforms (Windows, Android, iOS, macOS), but for now I'm just trying to ...
bas's user avatar
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Accessing Array of records within a Record

I am using a Virtual String Grid to navigate through program source code files. For any file I am using two levels in the Virtual String grid represented by 2 arrays of records. L0CodeData and ...
John Barrat's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Can I replace one char group by another using RegEx? [closed]

I want to replace "á" by "a", "é" by "e", etc... Can I do this with single RegEx? Find: /[áéíóúý]/ Replace: ??? Maybe replacement can contain separated list ...
Eugene  Krasnikov's user avatar
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Delphi iTask generates out of memory error at random times

I have to process an specific code in 5 different intervals. Each code is very similar differing just some parameters from each other. To accomplish this job I created an array of iTask where the ...
JRG's user avatar
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Delphi REST POST with multipart/form-data

I need to implement in Delphi a requested REST POST satisfying the following conditions: Must include a custom header Payload must be sent as multipart/form-data The URL must contain the parameters ...
Grzegorz Skoczylas's user avatar
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Android service started via AlarmManager in called only once

I have a mobile app that runs a certain SOAP operation every two minutes. However, I have problems with time delays when it went into deep sleep. From the previous 2 minutes, the delay could increase ...
Jaroslav Dibitanzl's user avatar
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How to expand path to UNC including all server domain information?

I need to compare path strings, and understand if the describe the same folders. I can't work with any difference in the given information of an UNC path. How to convert a path into the full UNC ...
Franz's user avatar
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C++Builder 12 error in dynamic OnDocumentComplete event assignment for TCppWebBrowser

I'm using C++Builder since version 1.0 (1994). I used it until version 2010. Lately, we got the latest version of the IDE "Embarcadero® C++Builder 12 Version 29.0.50491.5718". I have created ...
Hamboy75's user avatar
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"Blur behind" like effect for TPanel

I want to make a TPanel with a blur effect which is like a glass effect that Windows 7 (Aero) had. The goal is to be a visual component that shows what is behind it but blurred, which is common in web/...
snowdev's user avatar
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2 answers

How to trigger a procedure in multiple frames?

I have an app with an infinite (many) amount of frames that are dynamically added and removed. I never know which ones are active and which ones are not active. All of them have a procedure on them ...
JakesF's user avatar
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How can I nest a Virtual String Tree as a child of Virtual String Tree? [closed]

I am parsing text files (Basic program code) and building an Explorer-style tree to navigate the code by category. I am creating a database for a single file using two arrays of records for root (...
John Barrat's user avatar
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Delphi 5 program throws error 0xC0000006 on Windows RDS 2019 [duplicate]

My client has run our software written with Delphi 5 on Windows RDS Server 2008 for several years without any problems. The program is stored on the server and all users open it via network. We use ...
Gibbsnich's user avatar
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Delphi 11 property with ampersand (&)? [duplicate]

In a class definition, I have the following code : TClass = class private … FType: Integer; … public … property &Type: Integer read FType write FType; … end; What is the meaning of ...
Nomi Fenoglio's user avatar
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TNavButton missing in Delphi 12.0

My application has been working fine on Delphi 10.3. However, it failed to compile when using Delphi 12.0 because of undeclared TNavButton. I did a comparison of a file vcl.DBCtrls.pas between Delphi ...
Minh Ho's user avatar
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