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Questions tagged [contains]

The "contains" operator/method is used to determine if an entity collection contains an element with a particular property.

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filtering pooled data from a dataframe and assigning it to a new dataframe in R

I am trying to filter out some pooled data from a dataframe and assigning it to a new dataframe however I keep getting an error and I am really confused on how to fix this I tried doing: ...
Sabrina's user avatar
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2 answers

Filter Pandas dataframe by columns that are a substring of a string

I am trying to filter a dataframe using the condition that string values in a column are a substring of a string outside of the dataframe. Example below: df = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['hello', 'bye', 'hello'...
randomwerg's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

How to use contains on array of class

class product { attribute setter method getter method } public class main... { Array List of <Product> products = new ArrayList<Product>(); boolean checkProduct = products.contains(.....
XxEeNnXxEeIi's user avatar
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To check whether a User Inputted string contains multiple separate segments, how would I be able to shorten the statement?

I have written a program in which I take String input from the user and the user is expected to answer yes or no. I obviously am aware that users may not always answer in verbatim to the English ...
rasshas98's user avatar
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1 answer

DAX to check if value in table is contained in unrelated table POWER BI

I have the following table which I am going to filter through a slicer. Let's say I selected fund AAA. and I would like to add a column in the following table to check whether the CPTY is contained ...
Ignacio Maillo's user avatar
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1 answer

Are `where * contains ` and `search` the same operator in KQL?

Are where * contains and search the same operator in KQL? E.g. are the following queries identical? union * | where * contains "foo" and union * | search "foo" I tried to find ...
manymanymore's user avatar
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Google Sheets: VLOOKUP to do "contains" instead of "equals"

I have the following formula in my main sheet: =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(B2:B="", "", IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2:B , Reference!A:B, 2, FALSE), "Unknown"))) This works if there's an exact ...
user765151's user avatar
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1 answer

Use value from STRING_SPLIT function inside CONTAINS

I am trying to create SQL query (via full-text search) which will return along with CONTAINS multiple terms over multiple columns. Below what I managed to create: SELECT * FROM table WHERE EXISTS ( ...
Kacper's user avatar
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1 answer

How does `containsInAnyOrder` compare items?

I've got a CustomField class and I've overriden the equals and hashcode methods. But when I try to compare 2 lists of CustomField objects, it fails. Why wouldn't the containsInAnyOrder work in the ...
S.Dan's user avatar
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Servicenow contains search

The servicenow catalog item in which the search item should be implemented with " conatins" logic I tried using user prefernce setting , but it will have a impact on all ctalogs , but i need ...
Agilesh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is cherry matched and not matched?

The string "Cherry/berry" is searched for the string "cherry" and I would have thought that using re.IGNORECASE or str.lower() would give the same result, but it does not, why? ...
Anne Maier's user avatar
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Neo4j - Replace multiple values in string list property with single value

I have a node, with a list property. The list can contain multiple similar values: ["something one", "something two", "another property", "something three"] My ...
rnoftz's user avatar
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Adding and subtracting within cells containing specific text

enter image description hereI am working on a sheet that a cell would contain a 2 Letter code along with a value, for example, CE # (where # is an actual value) and CT #. For context CE is Earned Time ...
Moses o's user avatar
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PS - Check a log file for particular text within a certain timeframe

I'm trying to get this to work within a PowerShell script, but it comes back with not defined. $file = Get-Content "C:\log\clock.log" $checktime = $(Get-Date).AddHours(-1) $containsWord = $...
SuperZee's user avatar
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2 answers

Can We create a Xpath with multiple contain() Function and a xpath axes

For a curiosity I tried to create an xpath of orangehrm website leave portal and I have tried to make an xpath with 2 contains and xpath axes //*[contains(@class,'oxd-main-menu-item active') and ...
Akash's user avatar
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