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Questions tagged [class-library]

A collection of classes combined into a unit maybe distributed by a third party. It may have dependencies to further libraries.

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I want to encrypt my Localdatabase and my application involves xamarin.forms,xamarin.mac,and a classlibrary. I am using package sqlite-net-sqlcipher

STRUCTURE: I am using xamarin.forms and Cocoa app(xamarin.mac) in integration with it. My xamarin.forms deals with all the UI, and the Cocoa app(xamarin.mac) does interaction with all the mac API's. I ...
core mail's user avatar
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SerilogAdapter needs More Encapsulation & Information Hiding in order to Completely encapsulate & hide 3rd-party Seilog API modules from Client code

Here is info about our technical development environment : Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 .NET 6.0 C# 10 Serilog Serilog.Sinks.Datadog.Logs Serilog.Sinks.PeriodicBatching I created an Adapter ...
crazyTech's user avatar
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Send an email from SQL Server using CLR Assembly (microsoft modern authentication)

I have created a class library project to send an email using Azure.Identity, Microsoft.Graph. after that, I complied into DLL when I tried to create Assembly in SQL Server it threw error Assembly '...
Jeenath Kumar's user avatar
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How to register DI Services in .net core class library?

I want to add some services in my class library project and I found some ways on Google for this However, I don't ...
shah Taymur's user avatar
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Load Class library dll in powershell

I have made a C# Class Library that has some NuGet packages installed in it, like Azure.Core. When the library has been compiled, I get my library as a MyLibrary.dll which is all fine. The only files ...
wads's user avatar
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Mah apps resource not found in a wpf class library

My application is using a wpf library (uilib.vcproj) which itself uses another ( corelib.vcproj). In coreLib a resource dictionary (MahAppsMetroStyles.xaml) exist whic define mah app style and it s in ...
emmanuel gidon's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I add a class library here in Microsoft Visual Studio Code?

enter image description here I don't know how to add a class library here, how does it turn into this? enter image description here I am really lost right now since our prof did not teach much about ...
Azazel's user avatar
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.NET Framework 4.5.2-based Console application compatibility problems with .NET 6-based Class Library project

Here is the info associated with the development environment: I have a Console project created using: Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise .NET Framework 4.5.2 C# 5.0 I have a Class Library ...
crazyTech's user avatar
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How to create a class library (c#) in visual studio code using .net 4.7 version

I am trying to create a class library from visual studio code, as i cannot use visual studio because of some organizational limits. So when i tried to create the class library i was able to use the c# ...
Roshan K S's user avatar
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How can I log to a specific file path with log4j2 in a library?

I have a Java Library (SDK) that will be consumed as a JAR in other applications. I'm using log4j2 and SLF4J to log right now, but when my library is consumed by the other application (also using ...
Thomas Yamakaitis's user avatar
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How to send data between Class Library and Winforms (both are different projects)

I'm currently working on a scenario where I am developing an activity for UiPath. The class library is a project setting where I am creating this activity. Specifically, for this activity, I am using ...
Vasant Raval's user avatar
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Error adding a WinUI 3 class library reference to a WinUI 3 blank app

First I create a blank Visual Studio Solution, then a add a WinUI3 class library(dll) project and then i add a WinUI3 blank app project. In this stage both the project compile without errors Now I go ...
user3912437's user avatar
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Error on BlazorWebView and Class Library with Winform

I have a class library (CL) project which has a class I register to COM. This CL has a project reference to a Razor Class Library which has some components I want to show on a Windows Forms dialog ...
alexxchela's user avatar
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Source Generators for class library project in c#

Is this possible to generate code with Source Generator in c# into class library project? I would like this auto-generated code to be packed into Nuget package then. When I try to build a project made ...
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Class library is not found while building the ASP.NET Core 7 Web API with Github Actions

I wrote this dotnet.yml to build my application and push the docker image to docker hub, placed in the root of my project under the folder .github/workflows/. name: .NET Docker CI/CD on: push: ...
shanji97's user avatar
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Blazor WebAssembly stuck on Loading... when configuring dependency injection for a class library

So I built a class library that I will use for various different projects in the future. Now when I want to implement it and set the options in my Program.cs file, my blazor app gets stuck on the ...
MarkBerry's user avatar
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Blazor a Class Library reference in the WebAssembly client is failing to connect .NET 6

I have a folder called Services; it is in fact in program.cs and a simple GET localStorage operation works fine. Now I am adding another function in the same file (Cache). This function needs to Set ...
Chuck Duncan's user avatar
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Shared class library - MAUI and ASP.NET Core

Is it possible to share a class library between a .NET MAUI app and an ASP.NET Core app? I have an API and MAUI api that share the same model which I would like to put into a class library but I can't ...
Slade's user avatar
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NU1102 Unable to find package Communications.Interface with version (>= 6.0.0)

I have a .net class library called Communications.Interface, this is the .csproj of this project : <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework&...
Faouzeya's user avatar
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how to build dockerfile when there is a class library in another folder [duplicate]

I have a dotnet project and a class library project like this: ..solution-folder/ app1/ - app1.csproj - dockerfile - other ...
Ali CAKIL's user avatar
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Trouble Running a Multi-Project .NET 6 Application in Docker

I'm working on a .NET 6 application that includes multiple projects (web, services, data), and I'm trying to containerize it using Docker. I've organized my Dockerfile and project structure as follows:...
Fábio Carvalho's user avatar
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Register dependency of class library which is not directly referenced in ASP.NET Core Web API

I have an ASP.NET Core Web API project with class libraries. I can register dependency of class library which are directly added as references into the project. But I am not able to find way to ...
sujayadkar's user avatar
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Reference to System.Windows.Forms in .net7.0 class library project

I need to add a reference to System.Windows.Forms in class library project written in .net7.0 that will be distributed in NuGet for my young students. How can this be done? The class that I want to ...
Eikey's user avatar
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Integrate Blazor components with Sdk Microsoft.Net.Sdk in the project type "class library"

Is it possible to integrate Blazor components in the Microsoft.Net.Sdk, class library project. Target: net7.0. It is a custom plugin in Nocommerce framework. if I try with the new MVC Web project (...
Lena's user avatar
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Unable to add Microsoft.AspNetCore package to the class library project [duplicate]

I have an ASP.NET Core 7 project which has a reference from a shared class library project. In my shared class library, I have a method which access a webApplication object as argument. The problem is ...
hdv212's user avatar
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.Net Maui iOS Native Binding to create a .Net Maui Nuget package

I have a .net Maui Native iOS binding of some iOS framework. I managed to bind successfully. However, I want to create a .Net Maui Class library to consume the iOS native binding. See my project ...
helper's user avatar
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C# Run Class Library

I am building a C# project in Jetbrains Rider. When the project is finished, I want to include it in another project by building a dll and adding the dll to the project. To generate a dll, I need to ...
Zeek Joseph's user avatar
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Trigger method of different class library from another class library in C#

I have a two class library A and B. A is written in VB and B is written in C# A has a reference of B. So that I cannot instantiate a method from B on A class library. Now I have a scenario where if ...
Nishan Dhungana's user avatar
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Read info.plist in swift macOS library app

I am building a Library of classes in macOS swift. I created an empty Info.plist file in the root of the app folder and added a single entry (LibraryPath). Now I want to read the contents of the plist ...
ccampj's user avatar
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What's wrong with my Class Library? 'Fatal Execution Engine Error'

I am trying to make an Plug In for Navisworks manage that will rename a batch of selected clashes with a prefix or suffix. I am running this on Visual Studio. using Autodesk.Navisworks.Api; using ...
PAPIWARBUX's user avatar
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ServicePointManager not initialised when in CLR class library?

I've inherited a CLR class library (.NET Framework 4.7.2) that provides a function which queries table storage in Azure. The function, called from a native C++ executable, is currently failing because ...
Eleco Martin's user avatar
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MAximDL plugin fails accessing filesystem

I want to write the x,y, coordinates of a dragRectangle to a certain line in a text file(help.txt) by executing a plugin dll. Compilation runs fine. Writing is executed by sub ChangeFile. The plugin ...
autoguider's user avatar
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create dll for MaxImDL VB.Net - mainly solved

Found partial Solution: I ran Visual Studio 2019 as administrator. Then I copied Interop.MAxIm.dll to the program directory that contains Maxim_dl.exe. The plugin can now be loaded manually and adds ...
autoguider's user avatar
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Failed to AOT compile MyLibrary.dll, the AOT compiler exited with code 1 (ProjectName)

I have a MAUI application (.NET 7) referencing a custom class library (.dll) with an EF Core infrastructure (.NET 6) which nicely compiles and deploys in Debug mode on all platforms. Unfortunately, ...
ImproveSoftware's user avatar
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Where do I perform startup in a .NET class library?

Haven't done .NET for years, getting back into it. I would like to know where I perform startup in a class library I am developing. This class library will have several different HttpClients, and I ...
serlingpa's user avatar
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Cannot See Class Library (.NET Core) in Visual Studio 2022 while adding/creating new class library projects

I have .NET Core 6 SDK, Runtime Installed in my System. Visual Studio Workload Components Installed: Web & Cloud: ASP.NET Web Development Azure Development Desktop & Mobile .NET Desktop ...
user avatar
2 votes
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.Net Maui Balzor App crashes during startup on local ios device

Currently I try to program a ios mobile app with .net maui. This app works in the ios simulator, android simulator and on the windows machine itself. But when I try this app with a local ios device ...
Stottis's user avatar
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C# Show Class Library from another Project

Here are the steps I have used to create the winforms Project OneB Using Visual Studio 2019 with Net 4.8 I created OneB Then I created a Windows Forms Class Library named CLP. Opened OneB and Added ...
Vector's user avatar
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.Net 6.0 Web SDK class library creation

We've got a class library we've built internally that, among other things, exposes some HTTP clients specifically for authorizing other requests (acquiring/refreshing tokens, etc.). Until now, it has ...
Matt Mills's user avatar
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Static Class returnig null in C# class library

I have a solution that has 3 projects. Using visual studio 2022 project 1: lib (console App) Class cAgvMgr - Manager class project 2 - Util(Class Library) Static Class named AgvMgvinterface Project 3 -...
Thomas Frink's user avatar
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Custom dependency injection in a class library file

I am working on a project( mvc-5 with jQuery) in which whole validation is happening in front-end and we are executing APIs using $.ajax call, now as there are no validations on API level or ...
Ibrahim shaikh's user avatar
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123 views c# Class library dlls right version not loading correctly

I created a class library and called id sharepointClassSample library. It has a reference to Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.dll version along other ones. I compiled the library and moved the ...
El Bayames's user avatar
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How do I get the name of the project/assembly that called a class library from within the class library when a method logs an exception?

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I figured I'd ask before having to make dozens of changes to my code. Note that the class library is part of a nuget package and the project for it IS NOT ...
jason's user avatar
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Get custom configuration .cs file path in a class library project that is being referenced by a console application

I have a class library created with dot net core 3.1. There are two files which I am using for logging and reading appsetting.json file. For this I am using two custom class files respectively for ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Possible to increment DLL version automatically

I have a C#/VB .Net Class Library which is used in multiple projects. One of the issues we face is if a change is made to this Class Library it needs to be deployed to multiple projects. As you can ...
Computer's user avatar
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I created class library in .net6.0 and added my ViewComponent.I want to access my viewcomponent Default page in core mvc application

Hi I created my classlib and added my viewcomponents to that library and I added DLL file of my class library to mvc application I can able to use class and models but I don't know how to ...
Yasith 63's user avatar
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Custom Attribute For Class Library Classes and Functions in C#

I'm developing 3rd party API connector bridge in class library NOT in ASP.NET. User Levels API has 3 user levels, lets say: UserGoer UserDoer UserMaker Service Restriction Each API operation can ...
Fatih Tan's user avatar
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4 answers

develop shared library alongside another project without having them be in the same solution

Let's say I have a c# project Foo and a classlibrary called Bar I'm wanting to develop Bar alongside Foo which will use Bar as a shared library. I'd like to keep these Foo and Bar in their own git ...
Brandon Piña's user avatar
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Quartz .net 6 : Execute method does not work

Exetuce method in Ijob is not triggered. class library code: public static async void Start() { try { using (var dbContext = new SqlDbContext()) ...
Batu han's user avatar
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Can I use the same function in different ASP.NET pages?

protected void DropDownMainProduct_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string mainProductCode = DropDownMainProduct.SelectedValue; if (mainProductCode == "0") { ...
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