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Questions tagged [.net-mac]

This tag is for those questions about using .net on Mac machines.

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1 answer

AppKit.NsWindow error on .NetMAC OS application after migration from Xamarin.MAC

I have Xamarin.MAC native application built with C# language. Since the Xamarin support is stopped, I have to migrate it to .Net MAC OS. But I am not seeing the AppKit.Window in the .Net MAC OS. In ...
Roshil K's user avatar
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ProcessStartInfo in .NET MAUI application in macOS adding additional icon in Dock panel

I have .NET MAUI application in macOS. It calling the external application bundle "pythonBundle" which was created from python script and with PyInstaller created the application bundle. The ...
Archie's user avatar
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Minimize .NET MAUI application on closing to Dock Panel in MacOS

I have .NET MAUI project developed for Windows and MacOS desktops. I want to minimize the application to the Dock on closing in MacOS platform, i.e. I want to hide the window but the application ...
Archie's user avatar
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Can't get callback notifications from IOKit to fire using pInvoke

I'm trying to write a .net multiplatform library, and macos is giving me some trouble. I'm attempting to use IOKit to let me know when a serial port has been plugged or unplugged, and from there, I ...
sonic1015's user avatar
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Status bar menu for Mac Catalyst in .NET MAUI

I have been working on an .NET MAUI app that needs to have a status bar icon and when clicked, menu to be shown. I know it is a platform specific issue and I have been folowing this tutorial from ...
DesmondMilez's user avatar
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How to install frameworks in Visual Studio for Mac after the initial installation

I have installed Visual Studio for Mac today but did not toggle .net thinking I would install it later as my internet connection was very slow. But now I can't find the place where to install .net ...
Adnan's user avatar
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Is there a way to attach debugger to a dotnet process running in Docker container on a Mac? (VS or Rider)

Is there any .NET IDE available for MacOS that would allow me to debug docker containers by attaching to them when they're already running? I tried both Visual Studio for Mac and Rider and there seems ...
Grzegorz Kyc's user avatar
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Run process from .NET Core on Mac

I'm trying to run a process from C# console app on Mac: var processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("./gradlew", "bundleRelease") { WorkingDirectory = gradlewDir, CreateNoWindow = true, ...
Andrei's user avatar
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31 votes
8 answers

How to connect ASP.Net Core to a SQL Server Docker container on Mac

I am developing an ASP.Net core MVC application using Visual Studio 2017 on Mac. However, I am facing some problems to connect to an instance of SQL Server that is running on a Docker container. ...
MikePR's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Trying to run a .net core 2 web application in Mac

I have made an mvc .net core2 application in Windows and copied the whole thing in my MAC (highSierra 10.13.2) and tried to run it using VS for MAC (7.3.3 build 5). It compiles perfectly both on the ...
Travellogger's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Thread.Sleep() in .NET Core on Mac

I'm working with .NET Core on my Mac machine. Somewhere in my code I want to use this code: System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); But it can not find Thread in System.Threading namespace. What's ...
mehrandvd's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Console.Write in .Net Core

I start to learn .Net Core. I want to write a simple 'Hello World' console application. Unfortunately the System.Console is not available initially. This is my code: using System; class Program { ...
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