
i was wondering if some people could help me think, and/or confirm I am going in the right direction.

We have a large solution with a lot of projects. We have made Repo's and domainlogic for most of our modules separately. They are being consumed by a asp.net website (where we feature a lot of internal modules for our sales) as well as a windows service and a few smaller websites/desktop apps.

All of these projects are running on Framework 4.7.2. the class libaries as well as all the asp.net websites

We have some spare time on our hands so i want to upgrade all of our projects so we are compatible with .net (8.0).

what i already did:

  • upgrade all our libraries (website, service, class libraries) to Framework 4.8.1 for longterm support.

My main goals right now:

  1. upgrade our existing class libraries to something compatible/consumable with .net 8.0
  2. from now on develop new class libraries in net 8.0
  3. make sure our current website is still able to consume the existing class libraries as well as the ones we will create in the future
  4. create a blazor website that will feature all new developments, and should be an extension to our current website, preferably where users will almost not notice they are on different websites

what i think is necessary for that

  1. Put all our class libraries target framework to .net standard (2.0), I hope this makes them consumable by our old website as well as the future blazor website
  2. No upgrade is required here as it is only for new projects.
  3. I thought of leaving the current website targetting framework 4.8.1, hoping it can work with the by now .net standard 2.0 class libraries as well as the new .net 8.0 libraries
  4. I though of creating a new website with the exact same layout and when you click on a specific menu item in the old website, you would be forwarded to the new website and somehow find a way to pass the logged in user so i could do a switchover where users have minimal impact that they are sent to a new portal. Would this be achievable? We did this a lot of years ago as well when we had an old asp 6.0 website and we started building a .net framework website. By sending over the logged in user details by session.

Thoughts/remarks? Also if someone has video's that they think would be valuable to watch to get this done, feel free to post them here. Thanks


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