
I'm building a MERN stack application and need to scrape content from websites that use dynamic rendering (e.g., JavaScript-rendered pages). I have successfully used Axios and Cheerio to scrape static content, but I'm encountering difficulties with dynamic content.

I have tried using Axios and Cheerio in my Node.js backend to fetch and parse HTML content. This approach works for static content but fails with dynamically loaded content. I was expecting to find a solution that can handle such dynamic content effectively within a MERN stack application.

Can someone recommend libraries or techniques to scrape dynamic web content in a MERN stack? Specifically, I am looking for:

Tools that can render JavaScript on the server-side. Efficient methods to integrate these tools into a MERN stack application. Best practices for scraping dynamic content while maintaining performance and scalability. Any guidance or examples would be greatly appreciated.

  • Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Jul 9 at 9:16
  • Hi, please read how to ask
    – pierpy
    Commented Jul 9 at 9:16