I want to press 2 buttons on the website one by one (by console code) but the click code doesn't work on one of them.

So instead, I am trying to make console code that presses Tab key and Enter key one after another on browser to press that button.

Here's what I want

  1. Click one button (by console code)
  2. Tab key (automatically by console code)
  3. Enter key (automatically by console code)

-> so another button clicked

  • Hey, can you show code what you have tried ? Probably a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/3368578/…
    – john Smith
    Commented Feb 7 at 8:37
  • I did document.querySelector('button').click() but don't know how to send Tab key and Enter key after this
    – Robert
    Commented Feb 7 at 11:29