I'm studying nextJs13, I didn't understand how revalidatePath works.

I don't understand how can I use revalidatePath, is a function ? Or is a GET endpoint ?

I have two differnt page, when I try to modify the first page I need that this modify will be visible on the second page. But when I change page, I can see the modify.

I tryed too with no-cache but I can't . Anybody could help me ?

  const editProfileUser = async (payload) => {

try {
  const editProfileUser = await putAutheticatedAPI({
    token: session.user.access_token,


  return editProfileUser
} catch (e) {


I get this error :

static generation store missing in revalidateTag user/profile

1 Answer 1


This is an old question, but you need to call revalidatePath from a server action.

I give you an example from my code that uses both API routes and server actions.

This is the onSubmit handler of my form component:

// NextJS form component
  async function onSubmit(values: ConfigFormData) {
    try {
      // stuff here
      await redirectTo("/configurations");
    } catch (err) {
      // stuff here
// @/app/actions.ts
"use server";

import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";

export async function redirectTo(path: string) {
  if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
    return { message: "Invalid path" };


So, in my case /configurations is a statically rendered page. After I submit my form using an API route, I call the server action in the onSubmit handler. revalidatePath runs on the server and redirects to /configurations which is already updated.

I could get rid of the API route completely and do everything in the server action, but it would require a significant refactor which I am not willing to do at the moment.

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