I want to add background picture for options in select list on all browsers. CSS styling only working on chrome.

       .label-sm option{
           font-size:16px;color:black;background: url('url');

Here is HTML:

    <div class="col-sm-3 col-5">
      <label class="d-block label-sm" for="wrt">Wrt: <span data-tooltip="Derivative with respect to">&#128712;</span></label>
      <select id="wrt" name="wrt" class="form-control">
        <option selected value="x">x</option>
        <option value="y">y</option>
        <option value="z">z</option>
        <option value="u">u</option>
        <option value="v">v</option>
        <option value="t">t</option>
        <option value="w">w</option>
        <option value="θ">θ</option>

1 Answer 1


as mentioned in the answer here, CSS background-image issue for <select> & <option> "each browser has it's own way to render and create those elements. Some browsers will accept having a background image inside your select, others won't." you can try using custom selects and options, many libraries provide this,


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