Is there a way to check the compatibility of Spring framework and Springboot versions?

I recently switched from Spring v4.3.20.RELEASE to Spring v5.2.20.RELEASE and Springboot v1.5.17 to v2.1.10.RELEASE And now, I am facing many compatibility issues. I am having a hard time figuring out the compatible versions.

Please help

3 Answers 3


I use this approach for find compatibility. Go on spring-boot maven repo

maven repository

In this case spring-core and context (in compile dependencies) is 5.3.27.. spring-boot 2.7.12 is compatible with Spring 5.3.27


Use at least Spring Boot 2.3.12 with Spring Framework 5.2.20.

Note that Spring Boot 2.3.x and 2.4.x are no longer supported, and 2.5.x support ends soon. Refer to release notes on the Spring Boot wiki at GitHub, and the support matrix at spring.io/projects/spring-boot

Spring Boot normally manages your dependencies, so once you are on the current version you would not want to specify the Spring Framework version yourself.

  • 3
    How did you determine that at the very least Springboot v2.3.12 must be used with Spring v5.2.20? Commented Apr 22, 2022 at 17:28
  • It should be Spring Framework 5.2.15 for Spring Boot 2.3.12. official link Commented Jul 14, 2023 at 5:59

If you would like to refer to the official documentation for the latest version, you may refer to System Requirements section. For older versions, you may google with "spring boot" "system requirements" and look for your version.

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