
Release tracks

Google Play Console allows to create multiple tracks for your app:

  • Production - available for all users
  • Open testing - available for users, who selected to be testers
  • Closed testing - available for users from the list
  • Internal track - available for users from the list + there is a special link

There are a lot of guides how to create and manage these tracks from the admin perspective, but it is not clear what is displayed from the user side, and any recommendation for simultaneous use.

I am in the list for "Closed testing" and "Internal track" and I don't understand how to get these versions installed on my smartphone. When I open Google Play I can see "Beta", "Beta internal" in the title or label "You are internal tester" in the middle, but versions behind are not always correspond, to what is published in the console. Hence are assumptions and questions.


Here are my assumptions when displayed what:

  • Production - displayed to everyone by default
  • Open testing - user clicked "Join beta program" button and beta version is installed to these users, also if in beta program users can't install the production version, they should leave the program at first (Sign up to beta takes hours, not minutes)
  • Closed testing - available for users from the list - not clear, maybe if the user is in the list and joined beta, then he will have closed alpha
  • Internal track - available for users from the list + there is a special link - you need to open a special link and accept the invitation and then you are forwarded to Google Play, but with special page and it looks like you can get an alternative version installed.

Side note: Maybe you are not allowed to have older versions in test, if you already have a newer version in production.

Side note: publishing process is not transparent and involve delays. Console can display, that the update is live, but it take hours or may need to kill Google Play app to get the new version displayed on the user smartphone.


  1. Can all four tracks be used simultaneously?
  2. Can different versions appear on different tracks?
  3. Is there any limitations, like going from top to bottom only newer versions are allowed on the bottom?
  4. Can a user from the list install all four versions, or only versions, that are dedicated for him?
  5. What are best practices? E.g. have only two tracks, delete "Closed testing" versions are test is complete etc.
  • 1
    SO is a question and answer site. Note that question is singular, not plural. Nowhere in the help center guidelines does it indicate that this is a numbered list of questions site. In addition, this is an app store question, not a programming question, and app store questions are not accepted here according to those same guidelines. Contact Google Play Store developer support for help with these questions.
    – Ken White
    Commented Jul 5 at 12:48
  • @KenWhite I think the questions are valid, they describe a problem. See similar questions here stackoverflow.com/q/69392538/10475643 and here stackoverflow.com/q/66214827/10475643 . Also this is not a question to Google Play Support, but how people are using it. Is this website made to share experience and solve problems?
    – mspnr
    Commented Jul 5 at 16:23
  • 1) It doesn't matter if it describes a problem. It's off-topic. 2) It doesn't matter if similar questions exist. There is a lot of content here from the past that isn't appropriate now - guidelines change over time, and the ones in effect today are all that matter. 3) You still have multiple questions in a single post, which is lacking focus and makes the question off-topic. This site is for specific questions related to programming (code), algorithms, and the use of programmer's tools (IDEs, compilers. etc.). App store questions are about marketing your application, not writing it.
    – Ken White
    Commented Jul 5 at 16:55