I have an object similar to this:

    id: number,
    kids: [{
        id: number,
        kids: [{
            id: number,
            kids: []

So it has property kids which is an array of kids each of which might have its own array of kids. I need to render original object in a tree view list like this:

  {object.map(item => (
      {item.kids ?
        {item.kids.map(item => (
        : null

So every item of kids will be a <li></li> element with <ul></ul> inside of it if item.kids isn't empty array. I could keep going like this but it's pretty messy and more importantly I don't know when exactly kids property will be an empty array. So I need somehow loop over original object and it's properties and do something like

while (kid.kids) {
  return {kid.kids.map(kid => (
               kid.kids.map(kid => (

But I can't understand the better way to loop like this.

  • 1
    Could you draw a picture to better describe your expected output? Thanks! Also, I'd recommend reading How do I ask a good question and taking the tour! These articles will help you get the best answers!
    – Rojo
    Commented Dec 13, 2020 at 15:26

1 Answer 1


This is probably best solved with recursion.

const Kids = ({id, kids}) => {
    return {
        <li key={id}>
                ? (<ul>{kids.map((kid) => <Kids id={kid.id} kids={kid.kids} />)}</ul>)
                : null; 

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