I am currently writing a code for an app on flutter, however there seems to be an issue, and that is whenever I press the play button, the simulator seems to work fine showing everything I need in the "run" section:

enter image description here

I assume by the above, that everything seems to be fine. However when I go to the Dart Analysis section, I get these blue exclamation mark errors which I do not know how to fix and they all seem to display the same error:

enter image description here

My question is can I ignore these errors? If not how do I fix them? Even if I do not fix them, will it bite me later when I am near the completion of the app? Sorry if my questions sound dumb as I am very new to Dart and Flutter. I would appreciate the help.

  • IDE is just warning you about a naming convention rule you don't seem to be following. Commented Apr 25, 2020 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


First of all, it's not error it's a warning. Yes, you can ignore these warnings. lowerCamelCase means that names capitalize the first letter of each word, except the first which is always lowercase, even if it’s an acronym. you can refer here.and these are styling warning and it does not affect you later on the production of the app.


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