Minimal example

let input = document.createElement("input");
input.id = "input";   
input.type = "number";
input.className = "number-input";
input.disabled = true;     
.number-input:focus {
  background: yellow;
.number-input {             
  -moz-appearance: textfield;     
<button onClick="document.getElementById('input').disabled = false">

<button onClick="document.getElementById('input').disabled = true">

The created input is semi-disabled on start, i. e. you can click on it and it turns yellow (gets focus), but you can't write a number into it. However after clicking Enable followed by Disable button, it is as disabled as expected. It seems to be a bug that involves the input.type = "number" and the browser specific -moz-appearance: textfield, that I use to hide the up and down buttons.

Any ideas how to really disable the input field, when the page is loaded?

  • can you build a js fiddle please? Commented Dec 4, 2017 at 19:21
  • Any reason why you aren't just using the disabled HTML property?
    – TylerH
    Commented Dec 4, 2017 at 19:22
  • @ZombieChowder Why? The snippet above is fine
    – j08691
    Commented Dec 4, 2017 at 19:31
  • @j08691 it didn't display anything initially as I clicked it -.- Commented Dec 4, 2017 at 20:48

2 Answers 2


Adding input[disabled] {pointer-events:none} to the CSS seems to fix this. Not sure why Firefox still allows initial focus like that.

However, this CSS fix will only work in browsers that support pointer-events property. There is poor IE support (only 11). There's also a user-select property that may work (haven't tested it) but that still allows the input's data to be submitted in a form, and again may be restricted based on browser support.

A third (likely non-recommended) option would be to (when disabled) have an element in-front of the input to catch the clicks, but that's a pretty messy way to solve it.

Another possibility: when disabling, you could have your JS also apply different property/value for .number-input:focus

let input = document.createElement("input");
input.id = "input";   
input.type = "number";
input.className = "number-input";
input.disabled = true;
.number-input:focus {
  background: yellow;
.number-input {             
  -moz-appearance: textfield;     

input[disabled] {pointer-events:none}
<button onClick="document.getElementById('input').disabled = false">

<button onClick="document.getElementById('input').disabled = true">

  • 1
    I only asked for Mozilla and this works as expected. I can't test for IE but in Chrome it, i. e. hiding the spin-buttons, works with the answer found here.
    – Albjenow
    Commented Dec 5, 2017 at 13:10

In Firefox it helps me to set disabled as input.disabled. Don't ask me why :-)

let input = document.createElement("input");
input.id = "input";   
input.type = "number";
input.className = "number-input";
input.disabled; // here instead of input.disabled = true     
.number-input:focus {
  background: yellow;
.number-input {             
  -moz-appearance: textfield;     
<button onClick="document.getElementById('input').disabled = false">

<button onClick="document.getElementById('input').disabled = true">

  • @andi: it seems to be the same, but in my Firefox/Mac it worked. I didn't know why, it looks strange, but worked. It was the reason why I posted it here. I my post I wrote, that it worked for me but didn't know why.
    – pavel
    Commented Dec 5, 2017 at 7:25
  • I'm using Firefox 56 on Mac, and it doesn't work. Which version are you using?
    – andi
    Commented Dec 5, 2017 at 14:19
  • @andi: not using, but have installed 47.0.1 on Mac. But as I wrote, it had no reason to working, just a speciality. Now I've updated to 56.0.2 and still works for me... Strange, since I wrote my answer.
    – pavel
    Commented Dec 5, 2017 at 17:40

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