Experimenting with Google Polymer - posted the Tutorial code to an Azure website (polymer.azurewebsites.net) - but the svg images won't render (404 per console). I'm assuming this is related to the solutions which modify web.config to provide the mimeType for svg - but web.config is only relevant to asp.net websites, not HTML5. Is there any way to implement svg handling on a non-asp.net site?

  • The problem is fixed. I had created a web.config which reflected the content that Ranjith's link pointed to already, but it broke the site. I finally loaded the whole thing into WebMatrix and ran it - I got a more verbose error message from IIS which pointed to a punctuation error in the web.config. Once I got that fixed, the site started working and showing the svg images.
    – EricF
    Commented Aug 21, 2014 at 21:08

1 Answer 1


web.config is not just related to asp.net sites - its IIS site/application configuration. Example - http://madskristensen.net/post/prepare-webconfig-for-html5-and-css3

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