How do I select the globally-last text node using xpath? I tried this, but it gives me the last node in every context of the document.

['1', '3', '5', '6']

I can do this, but it's inefficient in both time and space, especially as the document gets large.


I tried to use an index of -1, but that gives me an empty list. I tried to use some of the reverse axes (so that I could index with 1), but I couldn't get them to work in a global context.

1 Answer 1




This is a FAQ.


The XPath pseudo-operator // has a lower precedence (priority), than the [] operator, which binds stronger to the node-test preceding it.

As in Math and in every language, the way to override default priority is by using brackets.

  • 2
    Linkify FAQ, for great justice?
    – bukzor
    Commented Apr 11, 2012 at 18:24
  • Confirmed: .xpath('(//text())[last()]') -> ['6']
    – bukzor
    Commented Apr 11, 2012 at 18:25

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