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Who are the Discussions moderators and what do they do?

Discussions moderators are a group of users who have volunteered to take on this somewhat informal role during the course of the Discussions experiment. The group consists of Stack Exchange site moderators, Recognized Members from community-managed collectives, and users who’ve been highly engaged with Discussions by offering feedback to post authors.

Discussions moderators have the ability to view and handle flagged Discussions and Discussions replies, as well as edit and delete problematic Discussions content regardless of whether or not it has been flagged. Discussions moderators are able to see who flagged a post or reply, in addition to the flag reason and any context provided.

As of March 21, 2024, the current Discussions moderators are: Abdulla Nilam, Dalija Prasnikar, Laurel, M--, Thomas Markov.

All Stack Overflow site moderators also have access to all Discussions moderation functions, and are welcome to moderate as they see fit, but are not obligated to do so. Discussions moderators may interface with site moderators as needed.