Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
This is the page about the episode. For other uses, see WhoBob WhatPants (disambiguation).

"What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 5. In this episode, SpongeBob develops amnesia after running away from Bikini Bottom.



As the episode opens, SpongeBob wakes up on a usual day. He looks out his window and sees the mailman riding by on his bike. He says, "Hi" to the mailman. This greeting causes the mailman to get distracted, and a truck crashes into him. After that, SpongeBob wants to spend time with his friends; however, his mere presence triggers disastrous consequences that end up upsetting them: he accidentally breaks Gary's shell when hugging him too hard, accidentally ruins Patrick's cake for his mother's birthday, disturbs Squidward's beauty sleep (as usual), destroys Sandy's new invention (a robot), and accidentally deep fries Mr. Krabs and two of his dollar bills. Each of these is met with SpongeBob being thrown out and furiously told to go away, followed by being angrily called "Idiot Boy." After one disaster after another wherever he goes, a devastated SpongeBob, who believes that all his friends now hate him and want him out of town, and feeling guilty for causing so much trouble, decides to leave Bikini Bottom altogether. After saying good-bye to Gary, who just hisses at him due to still being upset and picking at the bandaged mass that used to be his shell, and leaving him a year's supply of food, he does precisely that while calling himself "Idiot Boy." At night, SpongeBob is scared by mysterious figures in the shadows. While he runs from the creatures, SpongeBob falls off a cliff and bumps his head. After noticing a lump on his head, SpongeBob gets knocked unconscious by his bundle.

What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 138

SpongeBob's goodbye letter.

Back in Bikini Bottom, Patrick, who is oblivious to how much he hurt SpongeBob’s feelings earlier, is knocking on SpongeBob's door, wanting to borrow his hot sauce for his milkshake. He is approached by Sandy, who is wondering where SpongeBob is, presumably wanting to apologize while also oblivious to the fact SpongeBob is gone. Hearing that Patrick has no clue where SpongeBob is after knocking on his door for the last 3 hours and having no time to wait for him to answer the door, Sandy decided to karate their way into the Pineapple home. After entering the house, the two find Gary huge, overweight and moaning from eating all the food that SpongeBob left him, oblivious to the fact that he left. Being asked what happened to him, Gary sadly shows Sandy and Patrick his food bowl with a note from SpongeBob inside, explaining that he has run away so that he wouldn't bother anyone ever again, which leaves both of them feeling remorseful, especially after the note reminds them that they cruelly called him "Idiot Boy."

The next morning, SpongeBob regains consciousness, then notices a fish couple, who thought he was taking a "dirt nap," as they try to steal his possessions, but say that they were organizing them. Hearing one of the fish call him by name that was on the clothes, SpongeBob becomes confused and unsure. After being asked if he doesn’t know his own name, SpongeBob explains to the fish couple that all he knows is that he hit his head but now he can't seem to remember anything. Hearing this, the fish couple realize that SpongeBob has amnesia and decide to take advantage of his memory loss so they can steal his possessions by telling him that the items aren't his and give him a new name, "CheeseHead BrownPants." However, SpongeBob feels something in his pockets, then reaches inside them to find a bottle of bubble soap, which causes the couple to run off for some reason. After the couple leaves, SpongeBob wonders what got into them. He then notices a city nearby.

What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 161

Bikini Bottom in chaos without SpongeBob.

In Bikini Bottom, everything is in chaos, especially the Krusty Krab, because SpongeBob is not there to make the Krabby Patties. Mr. Krabs, who is also oblivious to what he did to him earlier, asks Squidward where SpongeBob is as he is freaking out that there are no Krabby Patties being made, then they both get into an argument after Squidward insults Mr. Krabs. However, after hearing Sandy and Patrick arriving, Mr. Krabs and Squidward are asked by them if they have seen SpongeBob. Hearing that none of them have seen him, Sandy shows the note SpongeBob left while informing Mr. Krabs and Squidward that he has left town due to causing trouble, and that he is not coming back. Mr. Krabs takes the note SpongeBob left from Sandy and reads it. After reading the note, Mr. Krabs sees that SpongeBob did write it, and that he left because everyone called him "Idiot Boy." He then not only panics because the latter is gone, but also because he feels guilty for pushing him away, and he wonders how he'll survive without his best fry cook. Feeling guilt-ridden for being mean to SpongeBob as well, Patrick and Sandy break down crying for being angry for a ruined cake and destroyed robot. On the other hand, Squidward is delighted and remorselessly laughs in joy, even stating that he would've slammed his door in SpongeBob's face even harder if he knew that would be the last time he would see him. Deciding to do a group meeting with just himself, Patrick, Sandy, and Squidward, Mr. Krabs kicks everyone out of the Krusty Krab, then tells everyone that the restaurant is closed until the group can find SpongeBob and bring him back to Bikini Bottom.

Meanwhile, SpongeBob wanders into New Kelp City, the city that he saw nearby before, where he bumps into a businessman. Believing he tried to steal money from him, the businessman tells SpongeBob that if he wants money then to get a job and insults him, which makes him think that because of his amnesia and sadly continues walking. However, SpongeBob gets hungry but discovers that he's broke and attempts to get a job. Each time he gets a job, SpongeBob uses his bubble blowing ability to help him, though, like the couple he encountered, this strikes fear into all the residents of the city, therefore resulting in him being fired.

What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 209

Sandy telling Patrick and Mr. Krabs on how they're gonna get SpongeBob back to Bikini Bottom.

Back in Bikini Bottom, Sandy shows her friends her new invention that can track SpongeBob, the Sponge-Tracker. Squidward, not wanting SpongeBob to come back, purposefully destroys the device with a hammer, claiming he dropped it. Furious and not buying his blatant lie, Mr. Krabs berates Squidward for his actions, then orders him to find SpongeBob, but he still refuses to help, even being unfazed when his boss threatens to fire him. Desperate to not only get his restaurant open again, but also wanting his close friend back, just as much as Patrick and Sandy do, Mr. Krabs comes up with the perfect method to get Squidward to cooperate with the search for SpongeBob: he offers him a jeweled Fabergé egg as a retirement gift, which the latter notes will complete his collection. However, Mr. Krabs tells Squidward that if he wants it, he'll have to bring SpongeBob back to Bikini Bottom. This offer finally convinces Squidward, who chooses his love of art over his hatred of SpongeBob, to help with the search party.

In New Kelp City, SpongeBob's bubble blowing activities attracts the attention of The Bubble Poppin' Boys, a menacing street gang who have scared the city into never blowing bubbles ever again, since bubble soap burns when it gets in their eyes. They decide to show SpongeBob, who had no idea who they are and didn't know about the rules about bubbles not being allow in the city, what they do to rule breakers by beating him up. Although he’s scared, SpongeBob quickly escapes; he runs off and the gang chases him until he is cornered. SpongeBob then uses his bubble blowing ability to trap them in a large bubble, and it sends them out the city, which frees the town from their reign. As a result, SpongeBob is rewarded the position of mayor of New Kelp City by its previous mayor, who immediately retires. Meanwhile, Patrick, Sandy, and Squidward are searching for SpongeBob as they decided to stop at a gas station to see if anyone seen their friend. After noticing a newspaper with SpongeBob in it, Patrick hugs it with joy just by having SpongeBob's likeness on it. When he looks at it and sorrowfully sees the paper is totally blank, Sandy reveals to him that all the newspaper ink came off on Patrick's belly. She reads the print and sees that her friend is now mayor of New Kelp City.

What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 329

Patrick, Sandy and Squidward found SpongeBob but are stunned about his mayor speech.

Back in New Kelp City, SpongeBob is giving a speech while Patrick, Sandy and Squidward are in the audience as they've come to retrieve him. After SpongeBob gives his speech, Sandy wonders about the name he gave himself, "CheeseHead BrownPants." She then uses a megaphone to get his attention as she tells the surrounding citizens and her friend that she doesn't mean to put a damper on the mood there, but Bikini Bottom needs him back. However, due to his amnesia, SpongeBob doesn't know who Sandy is or the town she is talking about. Sandy goes up on stage, then apologizes for lashing out at him before. Seeing Sandy more closely, SpongeBob becomes surprised to see her, and she thinks he is talking about finding him, but he corrects her; he is surprised about her species, although he thinks she is a weasel.

Hearing this, Sandy is shocked that SpongeBob doesn't recognize and remember her. Sandy then thinks that SpongeBob is pretending that he doesn't remember her. Despite not remembering her, SpongeBob does apologize to Sandy and comments that he probably would remember her, although he still thinks she is a weasel. Patrick comes up on stage as he hopes that SpongeBob hasn't forgotten about him then shows him a half of a friendship tattoo he has while he has the other half. However, seeing the tattoo, SpongeBob gets confused as to how he got that, then explains to the two that all he remembers is hitting his head, blowing some bubbles and now poof, he's mayor. After hearing SpongeBob's explanation and realizing as to why he called himself "CheeseHead BrownPants" during his speech, Sandy is convinced that her friend really doesn't remember anything, including who he is and who they are, as she concludes that he got his memory loss when he hit his head.

Wanting to bring her friend home and help him, Sandy asks SpongeBob to come back with them to Bikini Bottom as she explains to him that the familiar surroundings of the town will bring his memory right back. However, SpongeBob refuses because everyone in New Kelp City needs his leadership. When SpongeBob gets into a limo to attend a meeting that he's late for, Sandy tries to stop him from leaving, but becomes surprised when the limo comes back around and is shocked to see that Squidward managed to hijack the vehicle. Sandy and Patrick get into the limo, and then Squidward drives everyone with SpongeBob back to Bikini Bottom, looking forward to the bejeweled egg Mr. Krabs promised him. They take SpongeBob back to the Krusty Krab, but he still can't recall anything. Although he is surprised to hear that SpongeBob doesn't recognize the eatery, Mr. Krabs thinks he is kidding, then gives him his spatula. However, Mr. Krabs realizes that SpongeBob really did lose his memory when he is surprised to hear that he was a fry cook before. Mr. Krabs tells SpongeBob that he's the best in his business, then asks him to get flipping.

What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 379

SpongeBob gets his memory back.

However, not entirely convinced of everyone's claims as to who and what he is, SpongeBob nicely tells them that he would like to, but he wants to return to New Kelp City and run as mayor, claiming it is a modest job. Squidward, who doesn't care if SpongeBob stays or not, demands the Fabergé egg from Mr. Krabs since he brought him back, on a technicality. Mr. Krabs sadly agrees and reluctantly hands Squidward the jeweled egg. As Squidward marvels on his new jeweled egg being so beautiful, he slips on the greasy spatula that SpongeBob put on the floor, causing the egg to fly out of his hands. The egg shatters as it hits SpongeBob on the head, much to Squidward's distress, and the impact gave him another lump. After getting a hold of himself and telling a concerned Sandy that he is fine but he just has a bit of a headache, SpongeBob realizes that his memory is returning when he recognizes the eatery.

Overjoyed that their friend got his memory back, Mr. Krabs, also on behalf of Patrick, Sandy, and Squidward, tell SpongeBob how really sorry they all are for running him out town because of the harsh stuff they said about him, but they're glad he is back. Even though he wants to stay in Bikini Bottom and accepts his friends' apology, SpongeBob knows that New Kelp City needs their mayor. Everyone is confused and distraught that SpongeBob will leave again, except for Squidward, who is delighted at this as he feels that it will make up for the loss of his Faberge egg.

At that moment, a news report comes on the TV saying that the bubbles in New Kelp City are causing mayhem and that he can't see with all the bubbles. A thug then threatens SpongeBob if he ever came back to New Kelp City. Upon hearing this, SpongeBob has second thoughts about going back to New Kelp City and decides to remain in Bikini Bottom forever. Before the episode ends, a dismayed Squidward opens his head and throws his brain in a trash can.


WhoBob WhatPants promo art

Promotional artwork for the episode, with the gang assaulting SpongeBob.

This episode was added to the US Copyright Office on October 30, 2007.[6]

The episode was first announced by Nickelodeon on September 24, 2008 on a press release.[7] According to the network, SpongeBob "wanders the ocean, a stranger in his own pants," and finds himself in a rough part of New Kelp City, where he faces off against The Bubble Poppin' Boys' gang leader.

Deleted scenes[]

In the animatic version featured on the SpongeBob's WhoBob WhatPants? DVD:

  • After Patrick says, "Just a birthday cake for my mom that I spent all day baking," as he walks back into his rock, he turns around and looks back at SpongeBob and says, "And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to bake a 2nd birthday cake that I'll give my mother a day late!"
  • After Sandy's robot breaks, Sandy angrily shows SpongeBob its broken head, throws it into his hands and orders him to leave with him backing away towards the door as Sandy approaches him.
  • During the scene when the creepy people are scaring SpongeBob, a scallop can be heard crowing.
  • After SpongeBob says, "Ooh, boy! That's quite a lump!" Then he says, "I better not hit my head again, that might cause a concussion."
  • After all the people of New Kelp City run away from the bubble SpongeBob blew, he says, "What could possibly be wrong with practicing the bubble arts? Seems like a harmless activity."
  • During SpongeBob's speech, he says, "I can't say that I blame you."



What Ever Happened to SpongeBob (animatic)

Storyboard for the whole episode


Model sheets[]


 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Open and End Fanfare - Nino Nardini ["Ahoy, it's a SpongeBob SquarePants special!"]
  Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr ["Ahoy, it's a SpongeBob SquarePants special!"]
  Bubble Popping Boys - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [title card]
  Marching to Honolulu - Kapono Beamer [SpongeBob wakes up]
  Dramatic Impact (2) - Ivor Slaney [mailman hit by a truck]
  Dancing The Hula - Kapono Beamer ["Isn't life great, Gary?"]
  Comic Walk - Sidney Torch [Squidward wakes up]
  Dancing The Hula - Kapono Beamer ["...the best job..."]
  Sponge Tango - Nicolas Carr, Steve Marston ["He's already ten seconds late!"]
  Dancing The Hula - Kapono Beamer ["...and of course, the bestest[sic] pet!"]
  Steel Licks 40 - Jeremy Wakefield ["I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"]
  Gator - Steve Belfer [Patrick's cake ruined]
  New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr ["Ooh."]
  FlexTone Sting - Nicolas Carr ["Wait, I know who will enjoy my company!"]
  Comic Walk - Sidney Torch ["Don't you ever wake me from my beauty sleep!"]
  Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr [Sandy working on an invention]
  Birth of the Krabby Patty - Nicolas Carr [pan of robot]
  Closing the Door Sting 2 - Nicolas Carr [robot's eyes light up]
  Kabuki Robot - Nicolas Carr [robot dances]
  Dramatic Impact (5) - Ivor Slaney [SpongeBob spills water on the robot]
  Steel Licks 78 - Jeremy Wakefield [robot explodes]
  The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band [at the Krusty Krab]
  Steel Licks 22 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob crashes into pots and pans]
  The Rake Hornpipe - Robert Alexander White [Krabs in his office]
  From the Dead - Ronald Hanmer [Krabs falls into grease fryer]
  Tragic Violin - Nicolas Carr, Ezra Kliger [money fried]
  Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob kicked out]
  Three Hits - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob shocked]
  Pua Paoakalani B - Kapono Beamer, Queen Lili'uokalani [SpongeBob's sad]
  Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill [SpongeBob leaves town]
  New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob hears something]
  Someone Coming - Raymond C. Jones [people making weird noises]
  Editor's Run Down (b) - Dick Stephen Walter [SpongeBob falling off cliff]
  Big Long Fall With Crashes - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob falling off cliff]
  Editor's Run Down (a) - Dick Stephen Walter [SpongeBob's hobo stick falls]
  Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob's hit on the head]
  Closing Door Sting - Nicolas Carr [back at home...]
  Gator - Steve Belfer [Patrick knocking on SpongeBob's door]
  Drama Link (D) - Hubert Clifford ["We ain't got time for that!"]
  Drama Link (B) - Hubert Clifford [Gary's huge]
  Vibe & Harp Hits - Nicolas Carr [note from SpongeBob]
  O Makalapua B - Kapono Beamer [Sandy reads it]
  Furtive Footsteps - Paddy Kingsland [SpongeBob wakes up with amnesia]
  Vibe & Harp Hits - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob blows a bubble]
  Drama Link (D) - Hubert Clifford ["Bubbles?!"]
  Bikini Bottom News Theme - Nicolas Carr [breaking news]
  West Side Rumble - Sam Spence ["Bikini Bottom is in a state of total chaos tonight."]
  The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band ["Where the barnacles is SpongeBob?!"]
  Murder in Mind [#46] - Ronald Hanmer [Sandy and Patrick enter]
  Fates [#61.02] - Gregor F. Narholz [everyone's sad that SpongeBob's gone]
  What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor? - Okko Bekker ["The Krusty Krab is closed until further notice."]
  Bizarre Swing - Mark Winter [SpongeBob in New Kelp City]
  Surrender 6 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin ["I'm a jobless deadbeat?"]
  Surrender 8 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [SpongeBob getting hungry]
  Steel Licks 18 - Jeremy Wakefield ["Not a penny to my name."]
  Vibe & Harp Hits - Nicolas Carr [Help Wanted sign at a bank/SpongeBob blows a bubble]
  Drama Link (D) - Hubert Clifford ["What do you think you're doing?!"]
  Steel Licks 35 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob kicked out]
  Skyscraper City - Ronald Hanmer [SpongeBob as a construction worker]
  Joe Cool - Nino Nardini ["I do not understand this!"]
  Hgliss & Bell - Nicolas Carr [Sandy's sponge-tracking device]
  The Pollywog Strut - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony ["Oh, you're saying this thing can actually find SpongeBob?"]
  Steel Licks 54 - Jeremy Wakefield [Squidward destroys it]
  Goofy Conversation 2 - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Krabs yells at Squidward]
  Carrol Chimes - Nicolas Carr ["Don't forget your retirement gift!"]
  Mystery Chime - Nicolas Carr [Faberge egg]
  Angelic Choir - Jim Rattigan [Faberge egg]
  Tympup C - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy ["Not so fast."]
  Joe Cool - Nino Nardini [SpongeBob wandering through the city]
  Hawaiian Link (B) - Richard Myhill ["We're just waiting in line for a new video game."]
  Dramatic Cue (A) - Ronald Hanmer ["You can't do that here!"]
  Harp Gliss 1 [#20] - Otto Sieben [SpongeBob blows a bubble]
  Dramatic Cue (B) - Ronald Hanmer [everyone runs away]
  Bubble Popping Boys - Nicolas Carr, Barry Anthony [Bubble Poppin' Boys introduced/"Do you have any idea who we are?"]
  Hit and Run - Sam Spence [they chase SpongeBob/Bubble Poppin' Boys try to shoot down the bubble raft with slingshots]
  Chase That Car - Laurie Johnson [SpongeBob falls]
  Bongos Roll - Nicolas Carr [The bubble wand bends, falling into the sewer]
  Hit and Run - Sam Spence [SpongeBob traps the Bubble Poppin' Boys inside a bubble]
  Champions March [#7] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin ["Do you realize what you've done?"]
  Movie Overture - Larry Hochman [SpongeBob appointed mayor]
  Patchys Parched Blues Pt 2 - Nicolas Carr [Sandy, Patrick and Squidward looking for SpongeBob]
  Seaweed 1 - Steve Belfer ["Oh, I knew I'd find you, buddy!"]
  Dramatic Impact (2) - Ivor Slaney ["SpongeBob's mayor of New Kelp City!"]
  Hail to the Chief A - Will Schaefer [SpongeBob's speech]
  New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr ["It's me, Sandy!"]
  Fight for Ol' Schaefer U. - Will Schaefer [SpongeBob and Patrick's tattoo]
  Hail to the Chief - George Wilson ["I'm late for a meeting."]
  Spongemonger - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Squidward driving the limousine]
  The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band [at the Krusty Krab]
  Steel Licks 40 - Jeremy Wakefield ["I think I'll just go back to my modest job as mayor of a major city."]
  Steel Licks 41 - Jeremy Wakefield ["SpongeBob's leaving for real this time!"]
  Hgliss & Bell - Nicolas Carr [Krabs brings out the Faberge egg]
  Carrol Chimes - Nicolas Carr [Krabs brings out the Faberge egg]
  Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah - George Frideric Handel [Krabs gives Squidward the Faberge egg]
  Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr [Squidward slips]
  House Of Horror [#10.5] - W. Merrick Farran [egg hits SpongeBob on the head]
  Vibe & Harp Hits - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob recovers memory]
  Botany Bay (b) - Robert Alexander White ["We're really sorry we ran you out of town."]
  Bikini Bottom News Theme - Nicolas Carr [KNKC Special Report]
  Wahini Wobble Faster - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [ending]




For the Love of Bubbles artwork-7

In the original book, Sandy and Patrick go to Mrs. Puff's school to ask if she has seen SpongeBob.

  • This episode is based on the book For the Love of Bubbles. However, there are several differences.
    • Mrs. Puff and Pearl both appear in the original book, but they are cut from the episode.
  • A trailer for the episode was released in late July/August 2008 on Nick.com and could be viewed at the time, but was later removed from the website in 2009.
  • On October 3, 2008, TurboNick featured a special playlist of content dedicated to the episode, including a sneak-peek of the special, themed episodes, short-form content, song clips, and an instant replay of the special following the television premiere.
  • This episode was advertised as "WhoBob WhatPants?"
    • The DVD, online game, and the book also use this name. This episode is also sometimes called this name, although it is not the official name of the episode on the title card.
  • In some countries such as European countries (UK, Greece, Hungary, etc.), Latin America, and Korea, this episode and "SpongeBob SquarePants vs. The Big One" (called "SpongeBob SquarePants and the Big Wave" in European countries) were promoted as part of Think Happy - The Year of the Sponge, the show's 10th anniversary.
    • To promote the special in Korea, Eun Ji-Won would dub the theme song in a clip, this time,[8] following auditions where five of the children attending them, would have the opportunity to sing with him.[9]
  • Rather than the usual traditional SpongeBob SquarePants theme song playing at the beginning of the episode, instead the "SpongeBob SquarePants" parts have been altered to read "WhoBob WhatPants."
    • However, in Central and Eastern European airings, the audio remains the same, but the intro is the same as the regular one.
    • The opening scene where Patchy the Pirate says, "Ahoy, it's a SpongeBob SquarePants special!" and "WhoBob WhatPants" version of the theme song are cut on the Season 5 Volume 2, The First 100 Episodes, The Complete Fifth Season, The Best 200 Episodes Ever, and The Fifth & Sixth Seasons DVDs because this episode is not the first episode on the disc(s) it is contained on. The opening scene of Patchy the Pirate and the "WhoBob WhatPants" version of the "SpongeBob SquarePants theme song" are left intact on the SpongeBob's WhoBob WhatPants? DVD. Digital releases and streaming services of this episode also contain the opening scene of Patchy the Pirate and the "WhoBob WhatPants" version of the theme song.
  • In "New Digs," another season 5 episode, SpongeBob was one minute late, and Mr. Krabs was okay with this. In this episode, he is not okay with SpongeBob being ten seconds late. He, however, did say, "don't do it again!"
  • When Gary is mad at SpongeBob for breaking his shell, he appears to be growling "idiot boy" before attacking him.
  • In this episode, SpongeBob's water helmet has two openings instead of one, the same happens in "Tea at the Treedome," "Chimps Ahoy" and "Squidtastic Voyage."
  • The accidents that SpongeBob caused, resulting in him being called "Idiot Boy," are:
    • Breaking Gary's shell
    • Causing Patrick to fall into his birthday cake that he made for his mom
    • Waking up Squidward
    • Shorting out Sandy's robot
    • Dropping Mr. Krabs' money in the deep fryer
  • Bikini Bottom's population is revealed to have been 538 (SpongeBob crosses out the "8" before leaving, so the population was 537 for the duration of this episode).
    • However, the population is shown to be greater than this in some episodes; in "Patty Hype" for example, SpongeBob implies there's at least 46,853.
  • Mr. Krabs reads SpongeBob's note without an eyesight problem, but in "Greasy Buffoons," he reads a sign with glasses on.
    • Additionally, when Mr. Krabs is reading SpongeBob's note, he reads out loud the initialism "A.K.A" as "aka." Either he doesn't know that the initialism "A.K.A" stands for "also known as" or he just simply chose to read out loud like that.
Ugliest spongebob

Morbid SpongeBob.

Full Morbid SpongeBob

Full body version.[10]

  • The scene where SpongeBob utters the phrase "Is there something wrong with me?" has become a popular internet meme. Following the unsettling close-up of "Morbid SpongeBob," this content has been incorporated into various YouTube Poops and trends. The meme is commonly referred to as "SpingeBill" or "SpengBab."
  • The fish that screams and runs away after seeing a very disgusting close-up of SpongeBob face is also the same fish who ordered the Monster Krabby Patty in the episode "All That Glitters."
  • After Squidward destroys the Sponge-Tracker, Mr. Krabs' nose swells up and explodes with a jet of water. Real-life crabs can do this, but instead, they squirt water from their eyes.
  • Squidward's immense hatred for SpongeBob is demonstrated in this episode, as he attempts to sabotage the search efforts, to the point where Mr. Krabs has to bribe him. SpongeBob has probably driven him so crazy over the years that he's willing to do whatever's necessary in order to keep SpongeBob out of Bikini Bottom, as seen with his destruction of the "Sponge Location Device."
  • The mayor of New Kelp City has appeared before as the mayor of Bikini Bottom in the episodes "Doing Time" and "The Great Snail Race."
  • The handcrafted jewel encrusted ornamental egg was presumably a fake as jewels and diamonds are extremely hard and wouldn't break easily upon hitting somebody's head.
  • Most of the citizens of New Kelp City are reused models of Bikini Bottom citizens.
  • This is the first episode where SpongeBob appeared on a title card. SpongeBob later appears on the title card as a drawing in "Oral Report," as a cutout in "Restraining SpongeBob," and in a close-up view in "InSPONGEiac."
  • According to SpongeBob, this episode is the first time someone called him "Idiot boy."
  • This is the first episode to play the track "Bubble Popping Boys."
  • This is the first episode where Mr. Krabs gets deep fried golden brown. He would later get deep fried golden brown again in "Mermaid Pants" along with Squidward.
  • This is the first episode where SpongeBob tries to get a job at a bank and a construction site. The second is in "Model Sponge."
  • This is the first episode where Patrick lifts up a road. The second is in "Squid Baby."
  • This is the second episode to have an alternate theme song. The first was "Christmas Who?"
  • This is the second episode with a full character displayed on the title card. The first was Plankton and Mr. Krabs on the "Friend or Foe" title card.
  • This is the second episode to play the whole APM Music track, "Hawaiian Cocktail." The first was "Clams." But this time, the track is played at a higher pitch.
  • This is the second time SpongeBob is mistaken for cheese (and the first in the series). The first time was in the video game Nicktoons Unite! when Timmy Turner from The Fairly OddParents first meets SpongeBob.
  • This is the second episode that SpongeBob is homeless. The first was "Home Sweet Pineapple."
  • This is the second episode in which Sandy cries. The first was "Texas."
  • This is the third (and final) episode to use the opening scene where Patchy the Pirate says, "Ahoy, it's a SpongeBob SquarePants special!" The first was "Have You Seen This Snail?" and the second was "Pest of the West."
  • This is the third and final half-hour special from season 5. The first was "Friend or Foe" and the second was "Pest of the West."
  • This is the fourth episode to have a question mark in its name. The first was "Christmas Who?," the second was "Can You Spare a Dime?," and the third was "Have You Seen This Snail?"
  • This is the only episode to be longer than 20 minutes and to be dubbed and broadcast in Welsh. However, it is split up into two parts.[11]
  • The title card music for this episode ("Bubble Popping Boys") is not used as title card music again until "Sharks vs. Pods," 100 episodes later.
  • In the Italian dub, from the scene where SpongeBob wakes up after hitting his head onward to the last minutes of the episode, he was voiced by Enzo Iacchetti, known Italian singer and presenter.

SpongeBob SquarePants 2012 McDonald's Happy Meal UK Commercial

  • A clip from this episode would later be used as footage for a McDonald's Happy Meal UK commercial in 2012 for the SpongeBob SquarePants 2012 Happy Meal toys.
    • Patrick saying, "SpongeBob!" is dubbed over with him saying, "Gary?" in the clip used.

Dub facts[]

  • In the Indonesian dub, the final scene showing Squidward throwing his brain to the trash bin was cut. This is most likely due to organ-damaging reasons.
    • The scene where SpongeBob crosses out the Bikini Bottom's total population was cut for unknown reasons.
    • The "Patchy the Pirate Presents: A SpongeBob SquarePants Special" intro is instead moved to after the theme song and before the title card for unknown reasons. The SpongeBob's WhoBob WhatPants? DVD also has the Patchy intro after the theme song and before the title card.
  • In the Latin Spanish dub, this was the last episode where Luis Pérez Pons voiced Mr. Krabs. From seasons 6-9, he was replaced by Carlos Vitale because Pons had salary problems with the studio where the series was recorded and it would not be until the second film that these problems would be resolved so that he would return to the character (it should be noted that during the recording of the film and a couple of months later the voice of Mr. Krabs continued to be Vitale, until the recording was finished the first half of season 9 and added to the fact that Carlos Vitale retired from the dubbing that Luis Pérez Pons would definitively return to the character for the second half of season 9 and subsequent seasons until his death on October 24, 2023).

Cultural references[]

What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 178

The city called New Kelp City looks similar to New York City.

  • New Kelp City is a parody of New York City, a city in the United States.
  • The Bubble Poppin' Boys hairstyles, the way they dress, and the fact that they introduced themselves by snapping their fingers with tough facial expressions, are references to the Broadway musical West Side Story.
  • The Bubble Poppin' Boys are also a parody of the T-Birds greaser gang from the 1978 musical film, Grease.
  • The fact that The Bubble Poppin' Boys are a street gang in a parody of New York City, as well as the fact that their leader is voiced by the late Ray Liotta, are references to Liotta's work in Goodfellas.



The "WhoBob WhatPants" logo with the black-outlined drawn SpongeBob.

  • During the theme song for this episode, there are two errors:
    • After SpongeBob's pants falls off, his skin tone gets slightly brighter. Just later, when he gets his pants back on, his skin tone gets back to the original season 1 tone.
    • The logo has drawn SpongeBob in a black outline instead of a darker blue.
Animation Director error in What Ever Happened to SpongeBob?

Two animation directors even though it says only one animation director.

  • The opening credits say "animation director" even though there are two animation directors. This is the second time this would happen in a season 5 episode, the first being "Friend or Foe."
What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 035

SpongeBob's yellow tooth.

  • SpongeBob's teeth are yellow instead of white after he runs into Patrick and Patrick says, "Hi, SpongeBob."
What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 042

SpongeBob's missing eyelashes.

  • When Patrick scolds SpongeBob for ruining his cake, SpongeBob's eyelashes are missing.
  • There is a hole on the top of SpongeBob's water helmet; however, when he goes back out into the water outside the treedome, one could still see his water helmet on despite being underwater.
  • When "Mr. Dollar and Mrs. Dollar" are in the grease, instead of sinking in and never coming back out, they get deep fried and break apart. This scene may have just been Mr. Krabs fantasizing, though.
What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 084

The Chum Bucket is missing.

  • When Mr. Krabs kicks SpongeBob out of the Krusty Krab, he lands on the opposite of the Krusty Krab. However, that is where the Chum Bucket is supposed to be.
    • The same error is present when SpongeBob enters the Krusty Krab, when the angry mob surrounds it, and when SpongeBob is brought back there in the end.
What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 088

The chimney is missing.

  • SpongeBob's house is missing the chimney in one scene.
  • In the scene where Sandy brushes through the door, Patrick lands on his milkshake, but his milkshake remains intact, which is physically impossible unless it went up to his mouth.
What Ever Happened to SpongeBob 202

The construction foreman seems shorter than usual.

  • When the construction foreman says, "You aren't doing that on my building site! You're fired!," he seems shorter than usual, while he was hiding behind a pile of wood.
  • When Squidward says, "You mean this can actually find SpongeBob?" his voice is out of sync with the animation.
  • When the line of people are afraid of the bubble, it would have realistically either floated upward or popped before it got to the front of the line.
  • After his bubble boat pops, it appears as if SpongeBob is about to fall onto the sidewalk, but he lands on the street instead.
  • When Squidward is shown driving SpongeBob's limo, the front flag is missing.
  • After Squidward slips on the greasy spatula and the egg is about to fall on the ground, it disappears for some frames.


