Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Spoiler alert!
Warning! This article contains spoilers of an episode that has recently aired in the United States. Do not continue reading if you wish not to be spoiled.

"Time to Eat" is a The Patrick Star Show episode from season 2. In this episode, Patrick hosts a time-travelling food show.



Patrick is holding a paint-drying race, to the boredom of Squidina and the audience, when he runs out of snacks and goes to his room to look for more. A comment he makes gives him the idea to go back in time and get snacks, so he makes the show about that instead. He first goes two days in the past to eat dinner again, where he pays his past self 500 bucks for his dinner and immediately gets it back. He then goes to 18th century France, where he finds one of Lady Upturn's ancestors. She promises cake to a demanding audience, but when she lets them in, Patrick has eaten all of it. The townsfolk are angry and Upturn's ancestor is beheaded.

Patrick then goes to the far future, where he boards the S.S. Super Minnow and eats some of the dehydrated food Quasar has. Quasar tells him he has eaten too much, and Pat-Tron gives him water to wash it down with, causing him to inflate to be larger than the ship. Pat-Tron opens a door to eject the food out of Patrick, leaving him hungry again. He then goes to the Donner Party, mistaking "Donner" to be a fancy word for dinner, until Squidina convinces him to leave.

Patrick then heads to prehistoric times, where he sees a group of cavefish hunting down a wooly clammoth. Patrick catches it and is about to eat it, but Squidina pleads for him not to because it is an endangered species, and he begins to feel sympathy for the animal. He saves it from the cavefish and sends them back in time to the Donner Party. Patrick realizes the episode is almost over and heads back to the present day, bidding the woolly clammoth farewell. However, when he goes to watch the paint drying again, the entire audience -- and slowly Squidina and then him -- have been transformed into woolly clammoths because he allowed them to keep living in the first place. The audience throws food at Patrick in frustration, and he is happy to finally have something to eat.


This episode was confirmed on July 2, 2024.[1][2]

Promotional art[]

  • Drawn by Gabe Del Valle.[3]


  • Rough boards by Gabe Del Valle and Mike Pelensky,[4] directed by Tim Prendergast, plussed by Eliza Herndon.[5][6]


‣ ) Production music
• ) Original music
â—¦ ) SpongeBob music

 â€£ Sporting Triumph - Ronald Hanmer [Title card and opening.]
 â€£ Lazybones - Xavier Edmunds, Zoltan Biscotti [Lawnies falling asleep.]
 â€£ Funeral March of a Marionette - Charles Gounod, Ron Ronsted [Patrick looking for snacks in his room.]
 â€£ Alert Cue A - Hermann Langschwert [Patrick gets an idea.]
 â€£ Rush Hour-Traffic Jam - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey ["A time travelogue food show."]
 â—¦ Time to Eat - Eban Schletter, Mike Pelensky, Gabe Del Valle [Patrick sings this.]
 â€£ Alert Cue B - Hermann Langschwert [Patrick shuts the time closet door.]
 â€£ Kiyouli Le Clown - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey ["Our kitchen from two days ago!"]
 â€£ Krazy Cat Rag - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey ["Coming up next on Time to Eat..."]
 â€£ Royal King - Jean-Pierre Fouquey [18th century France.]
 â€£ Alert Cue B - Hermann Langschwert [Time closet appears in France.]
 â€£ Harp Glissando (K) - Jim Rattigan ["Holy Spumoni!"]
 â€£ Heaveny Info - Paul Arnold, Andrew James Barnabas ["Now that's what I call a cake!"]
 â€£ Royal King - Jean-Pierre Fouquey [Patrick eating the cake.]
 â€£ Show Fanfare 1 - David Lindup ["Let them eat cake!"]
 â€£ Murder Plot - Patrick Hawes [Peasants angry at Lady Upturn.]
 â€£ Dead March 1 - Frederic Chopin, Alfred Kluten [Lady Upturn decapitated.]
 â€£ Speed Trials (a) - Rod Argent, Robert Howes ["You're watching Time to Eat."]
 â€£ Parallel Dimension - Gregor F. Narholz [At Captain Quasar's rocket.]
 â€£ ? [Pat-Tron trying to fix the food machine.]
 â€£ Alert Cue B - Hermann Langschwert [Time closet appears in Quasar's rocket.]
 â€£ La Bas - Jean-Jacques Perrey, Gilbert Sigrist ["Our next tasty destination is the future."]
 â€£ Mini Mischief - Johnny Pearson [Patrick eating a bunch of dehydrated feast pellets.]
 â€£ Murder Plot - Patrick Hawes ["Great Scott, Patrick Star!"]
 â€£ Cocktail - Johnny Patrick ["I'm actually full for once!"]
 â€£ One Over the Eight - Len Stevens ["Squidina, I'm so hungry."]
 â€£ Alert Cue B - Hermann Langschwert [Patrick and Squidina enter the time closet.]
 â€£ Synopsis - Frank Harlow [Patrick licking ice cream.]
 â€£ Alert Cue B - Hermann Langschwert [Time closet arrives at a snowy forest.]
 â€£ Champagner Perlen - Werner Von Overheidt ["That reminds me of my favorite cold foods."]
 â€£ Funny Banjo - Tony Tape [Donner party.]
 â€£ Planet Surface - Gregor F. Narholz [George in a stew.]
 â€£ Funny Banjo - Tony Tape ["I'd die for some Donner."]
 â€£ Alert Cue B - Hermann Langschwert [Squidina shoves Patrick into the time closet.]
 â€£ ? ["Time to Eat" interstitial.]
 â€£ Alert Cue B - Hermann Langschwert [Time closet appears in the pre-historic era.]
 â€£ ? [Pterascallop grabs a GrandPat-like lizard.]
 â€£ Jungle Baby - Hans Ehrlinger [Wooly clammoth appears.]
 â€£ Stand Off (a) - Gregory Allan, Doug Bossi, Anthony Elfers [Patrick catches the wooly clammoth.]
 â€£ Tabu - Daryl Griffith ["How could you eat an endangered species?"]
 â€£ Moogy Boogy - Jean-Jacques Perrey [Patrick puts mustard on the wooly clammoth.]
 â€£ Tabu - Daryl Griffith [Patrick crying.]
 â€£ Alert Cue B - Hermann Langschwert [Cavefish arrive at the snowy forest.]
 â€£ Funny Banjo - Tony Tape ["Oh boy, delivery!"]
 â€£ Galleon - Sam Fonteyn ["It looks like our friend, the wooly clammoth, will live on."/"So long, wooly clammoth."]
 â€£ Kiyouli Le Clown - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey [Patrick and Squidina arrive home.]
 â€£ Kitsch Latin Cool - Malcolm Lockyer ["Welcome back, paint heads!"]
 â€£ Approaching Danger - Ronald Hanmer [Wooly clammoth lawnies.]
 â€£ Death Clock E - Dick de Benedictis ["We caused the wooly clammoth population in the present to explode."]
 â€£ Rush Hour-Traffic Jam - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey [Ending.]



Pest of the West 083

Episode references[]

Cultural references[]

  • Lady Upturn's French ancestor, named Marie, who promises the townsfolk cake, is a reference to Marie Antoinette and her association with the phrase "let them eat cake!"
  • Patrick crosses into the Donner Party, an event in the 1840s where migrant pioneers resorting to cannibalizing each other to survive.
  • The "Viewers Like You" text and the scrolling credits are a reference to PBS shows, which end with the same phrase. The text itself uses an extremely similar font to the credits of Arthur.\
  • One of the intermissions has Patrick dress up like Guy Fieri.


Sleepy Time 057
"I can turn into a skyscraper!"
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