This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

March 16, 2008


I’ve always thought it rather interesting that the term “skinned” can refer to the removal of something (as in “I skinned the neighbor’s cat.”) as well as the exchanging of one thing for another (as in “I just skinned my browser to look like a deathstar.”) As you may have noticed, the look and feel of this site has changed recently … as in “skinned”. If you hadn’t noticed, that’s ok. I’ve been yammering about “redesign this” and “relaunch that” for going on six years now, and I certainly wouldn’t blame any of you for tuning me out. Well, last week I finally dropped the gloves, rolled up my sleeves, and pitched the stale layout, moldy stylesheets, and stinky old tables into the dustbin. What you’re seeing now is a transitional design … bare bones structure and style … a small step forward towards what will eventually be a complete, stem to stern rebuild of this twelve year old site. Bare with me as I work through this process of getting “skinned”.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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5 comments on “Skinned.”

  1. Posted by Naz Hamid Naz Hamid on Tuesday, March 18th, 2008.

    I actually kinda like this. I’m curious to see the final design.


  2. Posted by Grant Hutchinson Grant Hutchinson on Tuesday, March 18th, 2008.

    Me too. Slowly, but surely it shall arrive.


  3. Posted by Guy Parsons Guy Parsons on Wednesday, April 16th, 2008.

    I love the new, clean baby, clean.


  4. Posted by Grant Hutchinson Grant Hutchinson on Sunday, April 20th, 2008.

    Hey Guy, thanks. I’m working my way through some of the subpages now … so hopefully, it’ll make sense to slap the navigation back on the site soon. I just hate pointing at the old pages … they hurt my head.


  5. Posted by jxpx777 jxpx777 on Saturday, May 17th, 2008.

    Grant, two other homophones that can have opposite meanings: cleave and raise/raze. Weird, huh?


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