This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

February 26, 2008

Deep toast.

Normally, I’m a big fan of coincidence and synchronicity. Today, not so much. On the eve of the tenth anniversary of Apple discontinuing development of the Newton, the Cobalt Qube which had been hosting the Newted Community site for the past nine years suffered a catastrophic hard drive failure. Ouch. If that’s not a coincidence, I’m not sure I could put my finger on a better example. And while I’ve been attempting to resurrect some portion of the site data from a questionably coherent backup, I’ve already had a half dozen offers of replacement hardware.

Now that’s a community indeed.

By the way, if you’re a Newton geek of any measure, you will have understood the nod to our little green friend in the title of this post. For everyone else, “deep toast” refers to a alert message indicating that some piece of Newton hardware (generally the rechargeable battery) can no longer be reliably used. An arguably fitting salute.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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2 comments on “Deep toast.”

  1. Posted by newtonpoetry newtonpoetry on Wednesday, February 27th, 2008.

    What a crappy coincidence. Good luck with everything — here’s hoping you can get it all back.


  2. Posted by Grant Hutchinson Grant Hutchinson on Thursday, March 13th, 2008.

    Thanks for the support. TIme will tell, I suppose.


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