This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

December 29, 2006

Several years late and a dollar short.

MacNN reports that Big Blue has finally released an OS X-savvy version of its venerable Lotus Notes collaboration suite. The press release states:

“ … with IBM Lotus Notes 7.0.2 for OS X, Mac users have the collaboration power they’ve been waiting for … ”

Mac users? As in multiple?

Shouldn’t that read “ … the one Mac user we found who actually knew that Lotus Notes still existed … ”?

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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5 comments on “Several years late and a dollar short.”

  1. Posted by Martin Martin on Thursday, January 11th, 2007.

    Why would anybody want that today. Wonder if they ever did a feasability study — and how old that one is.

    Anyway, just wanted to thank you for your old archive where you suggested cool, available domain names. Turned out that one I liked ( was still (or again) available. So, thanks!

    I also found this website that tries to pass off your content as their own — even with copyright and all.


  2. Posted by Anonymous Anonymous on Friday, January 12th, 2007.

    Well, we are 3 lowly mac users in a multinational with around 400 windoze drones, and we are very happy that we can finally get corporate mail on our iMacs instead of having a Dell for the sole purpose of mail and calendar.

    By the way. Notes still sucks and the whole windows experience is shitty even just for fetching mail.


  3. Posted by Grant Hutchinson Grant Hutchinson on Sunday, January 14th, 2007.

    @Martin I’m guessing there is still substantial installed base (as the other comment above indicates). There will always be islands of Macs floating amidst those seething oceans of Windows pain.

    As for the Available Domain Name of the Week — I appreciate the fact that you were able to find some inspiration there. But I must apologize for the sorry state of the page. I haven’t had the energy to update the list in months. That may change after I finally get the redesign of this site launched.

    @Anonymous That’s the type of scenario I had envisioned. I’m happy that the Notes release actually helps someone get over a technology hump. It’s just too bad that so many companies force employees to be locked into such a specific platform.


  4. Posted by Tuuur Tuuur on Monday, January 15th, 2007.

    Does Notes still exist?

    I was a Notes developer once, up until release 6. Nowadays it doesn’t seem possible anymore to get a Notes developer job, unless you got like 10 years experience with IBM Websphere and java.


  5. Posted by Grant Hutchinson Grant Hutchinson on Monday, January 15th, 2007.

    That may be because IBM has changed the nomenclature of the product over the years. Notes is simply the client software which connects into the Domino server platform. Notes is definitely still around, but you’re probably better off looking for a position in Domino development and support.


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