This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

January 10, 2006

One more thing.

Enough about the keynote already. Ok, maybe not quite yet. I have to get this out of my system… MacBook Pro? What kind of lame-butt, patronizing brandsludge is that? Feh.

I guess Jonathan Ive doesn’t sit in on the product branding meetings. If somebody nonmenclated one of my hardware designs like that, I’d have to bust some chops. At least the internal workings kick some serious performance ass, but please. Other sites can debate and fuss about the rest of today’s announcements all they like… I have other things on my mind.

It’s less than a week until the 2006 Worldwide Newton Conference starts up in the city by the bay. I’m not entirely sure, but I think I’m beginning to get excited. Syncing up with a room full of like-minded Newton aficionados is frankly a bit intimidating. I’ve known many of these people electronically for years, but finally meeting and matching names to faces in person always throws an exception into my personality loop.

I suppose I could muster up a bit more excitement if I still didn’t have to put my presentation together for the conference. At least an outline… yeah, that’d be a good start. Say… I can probably use my Newton for putting that together. Go figure.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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