This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

January 29, 2005

The sights and sounds of splorp.

Sigh. The old content engine has been pretty much running on empty around here of late. Sorry about that. Other priorities, other projects… you know the story. Of course, part of that story is my time-sucking day job at Veer. (Please note that the term ‘time-sucking’ used in this previous context should not be construed as a complaint, it’s just reality.) I make fairly regular contributions to The Skinny, Veer’s very own log du web, but that hardly takes the place of the software rants, interface crankiness, and other opinionated geekery that once pervaded these pages. Fortunately, for every personal project that suffers from neglect at the hands of its owner, at least two more brand-spanking new ones pop up somewhere else. Case in point, you can now get eyeful of an earful whilst perusing my Audioscrobbler profile. In other words, see what I’m listening to at my time-sucking job. And for those folks noticing the increasing irregularity of the ‘photo of the day’ feature, check out my Flickr photostream. New images, old images, screendumps, and more… You see, I’m still around, you just have to know where to look.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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