This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

April 11, 2003

Adrodo? Ad Rodeo.

The local shindig for agencies and other creative types to flaunt their design chops is the annual Ad Rodeo. The Veer team entered a few tasty gems into the awards event, just like we did when we were all still part of the EyeWire crew. We pulled off a couple of merit awards the last time around and that was certainly nice a nice cap on the evening. But that’s not the whole reason we end up going to these things. The evening is about reconnecting with friends you used to work with and discovering what they’ve been up to. It’s about filling everyone in on what the heck you’ve been up to lately, beside spouting off in your weblog. It’s about schmoozing and laughing and trashing a few of those other entries that you just can’t believe somebody submitted into the awards with a straight face. And it’s about the food. Hence my latin reference in the title this post. Adrodo means ‘to gnaw at’ and now that I think about it, I suppose it could refer to either the food or the conversation. I’ll let you know how we did tomorrow.

Update! We snagged a merit award in the corporate ID category. Better than a swift kick in the portfolio I suppose. We probably should have left after the presentations in those few first categories too. No matter how many of these things we attend, we never seem to learn. Zzzzz.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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