This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

November 29, 2002

Anchors await.

Tantek Çelik has once again dumped his big bucket of common sense all over the web authoring community. As a follow up to last months’ piece on using semantically richer heading and paragraph markup, he has put together a series of simple little changes to make your permalinks (or whatever clever device you’ve used to designate anchors to various postings) a lot more meaningful. I’ve already taken these suggestions and put them to work on this here blog, although I have to admit that the code still isn’t as semantically up to snuff as it could be. I’m still <blockquote>ing where I probably should be <div>ing, and <p>ing where I ought to be <h2>ing. On the bright side, my permalinks seem to have a bit more more spring in their step.

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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