This is splorp.

ISSN 1496-3221

May 7, 2001


Maybe I should explain that little outburst I had a bit earlier. You see, I left EyeWire because I really wanted a change. The corporate environment had changed from an invigorating, challenging, thoughtful, and exciting place to one that was just a job. Part of that change had to do with the standard bullet-point list of bureaucratic crap that gets shoved down the throat of any startup company once it gets wedged far enough into the craw of any certainly well-intentioned parent company. Well-intentioned or not, I was not prepared to stick around any longer to see if everything that was being promised to our office was going to pan out. Well, as of today, it most definitely has not panned out and I am feeling a mixture of sadness and anxiety for the friends I left behind at EyeWire. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with what they will be going through, because I acted in that screenplay once before. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think situation sucks. Sorry guys, I wish I knew that it had been coming. I trusted them and you got screwed. I guess it’s time to go to plan B, eh?

This item was posted by Grant Hutchinson.


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