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  1. Nie korzystaj z tej strony, aby zgłosić duplikaty wiki.
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  4. Nowe zgłoszenia dodawane są do sekcji przed sprawdzeniem SOAP. Przed dodaniem, sprawdź, czy zgłaszana wiki już się tam nie znajduje.
  5. Kliknij przycisk poniżej i podążaj za instrukcjami, aby dodać zgłoszenie.

Report possible spam wikis here:

New reports (To be SOAP checked)[]

  1. strawinsky-and-the-mysterious-house Wiki reason: There is a lot of racism and sex references in most of the pages, especially the Globglogabgalab page.
Please contact Fandom Staff if you have any issues with the contents of the wiki, unless there is a justifiable reason to, there is no reason to close wikis based on how a wiki covers a topic's contents unless there is a concerning violation of the Terms of Service. Trustharri (talk) 03:39, 15 July 2024 (UTC)
  1. criminal-case-uydurma-vakalar-tamamen Wiki reason: This wiki has innapropriate pictures and violent themes
Please contact Fandom Staff if you have any issues with the contents of the wiki, unless there is a justifiable reason to, there is no reason to close wikis based on how a wiki covers a topic's contents unless there is a concerning violation of the Terms of Service. Trustharri (talk) 03:39, 15 July 2024 (UTC)
  1. warnerbrosbase Wiki reason: This wiki is plagiarizing (a copy of) on another wiki with the same name
Please report this issue through Fandom Support. SOAP can terminate vandalism/spam-only wikis. --Miss Toki 30?cb=20220609161258 (dyskusja | contributions) 20:51, 24 July 2024 (UTC)
  1. soby Wiki reason: Come on, do I need to say anything at this point?