
Back from vacation

Ahhh….. I’ve been at a family reunion in Florida for the past week and a half, hanging out with cousins and drinking daiquiris and doing nothing. That’s right, nothing. I sat back, relaxed, and got a whole lot of nothing done. I caught up with my backlog, and now I have a complete roadmap of the next few months. I’ve got a lot of nothing to do!

Sometimes it’s tough to find the right balance between doing nothing and sleeping…not to mention setting aside a little spare time for work, food, social commitments, etc. But I’m sure I’ll get it right eventually. I go back to work on Monday, but I have the whole weekend to get into the swing of doing nothing on a regular basis. Wish me luck!

P.S. If you can’t tell already, I’m not the blogging type. You’ll get updates every week or two if I’m lucky. If you want fresh content, log on and write stuff yourself, or post pictures or video or whatever. See you around…


One thought on “Back from vacation

  1. …I’m not the blogging type. You’ll get updates every week or two if I’m lucky.

    He’s lying to you! He mini-blogs, nay he blogsalot, on his regular site. Just today, he blogged that he will be moving into this apartment on Saturday!

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