A user (contoso\John.Smith and display name JSmith) is created in Active Directory in SharePoint 2019 that is on Windows Server 2019.

  • This user is added to a person or group column value in couple of list items.
  • Further this user is deleted from Active Directory and then created a new user (contoso\JSmith and display name JSmith).
  • When I try to resolve JSmith, I now get two users of same name. However, if I try to use invalid user, I get the error message 'This user does not exist or is not unique'.
  • If I try to resolve correct/latest user, I am able to save the item.

Steps done so far:

  • Removed the user from site collection Users list
  • Cleared SharePoint Configuration Cache
  • Restarted server, but I am still shown the deleted user again when trying to resolve the user.

enter image description here

How do I get rid of old deleted user from SharePoint person or group suggestions?