I have created an InfoPath 2013 form, uploaded it to the server. When I try to activate it I get an error in the ULS log saying "...Infopath: could not be activated to site collection because the user does not have the correct permissions." I find this error hard to understand since I am a member of the Farm Admin, and local server admin groups.

This error doesn't tell me what I don't have access to, so if anyone has an idea, I ready to listen.

2 Answers 2


You should also be a member of site collection admins (that is different from farm admin and local server admin roles).

You can find them from site perspective:

  • <your-site-url>/_layouts/15/mngsiteadmin.aspx
  • Site settings - Site collection administrators

or from SharePoint Central Administration (if you currently don't have an admin access to site itself):

  • Application Management - Change site collection administrators

Add there the account under which you will try to activate the form.

  • Thanks lehuspohus for your suggestion. However, I am also a site collections admin. Therefore, this did not help. Do you have any other suggestions.
    – DRinSOS
    Commented Dec 22, 2022 at 17:41
  • Are you trying to activate form from Central Admin or powershell? Are you sure that you are opening Central Administration to upload form under the same user as you logging in to your site? If so, more info required: ULS logs here and screenshot of checking permissions in /FormServerTemplates library on your site that you are trying to activate to. Anyway, simplest way is to try give yourself a Full Control permission to Web application to be sure that permission is the issue.
    – lehuspohus
    Commented Dec 24, 2022 at 10:17
  • Hi Lehuspohus - I was able to give myself full control in the Web Application policy and I have full control to the /FormsServerTemplates library. I am using the Central Admin not powershell to activate the form. I am using the same UID to login and activate the form.
    – DRinSOS
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 15:34
  • Here is a snipit of the ULS log 12/27/2022 09:07:17.89 w3wp.exe (0x2314) 0x0518 InfoPath Forms Services Conversion and Deployment m22j High Form template Catalog Request Don.xsn (urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:Catalog-Request-Don:-myXSD-2005-10-21T21-12-27) could not be activated to site collection purchasing.XXXXX.dev.sos.local because the user Don Richardson does not have the correct permissions. c76486a0-c3af-9032-9b55-6bb6eee20e3d
    – DRinSOS
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 15:39
  • I was able to activate the form by logging in with the user profile that created the environment. Thanks for your help.
    – DRinSOS
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 16:51

I resolved the issue by logging in with the user profile that created the environment.


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