While playing with nmap, I have started to wonder: are there any ip addresses which were specifically made to learn how to use nmap.

(As far as I understood I can not just scan any ip address, because this is illegal)

On SE I have seen posts with the examples of sites for sql-injections, so I hope that there is something out there to learn how to use nmap. Currently I am scanning my own machine and my own web server, which is not so much fun.

  • 3
    – user10211
    Commented Dec 10, 2012 at 14:44
  • @TerryChia Next step: "So, what am I supposed to see when I run [given nmap command] against scanme.nmap.org?" - is there a site that hosts this information? It doesn't seem readily apparent from the ScanMe homepage.
    – Iszi
    Commented Dec 10, 2012 at 15:31
  • nmap should tell you what in the scan responds to connection attempts. If you're new to nmap and aren't sure what to do, try zenmap nmap.org/zenmap , it's handy even for experts and shows you the command line options it used in the scan.
    – mgjk
    Commented Dec 10, 2012 at 19:59

2 Answers 2


As Terry said in the comments, you can test out nmap on scanme.nmap.org, which is designed for exactly this.

You could also set up a machine in a VM, or on Amazon EC2 for testing, with various services and firewall configurations, in order to see how nmap's results change depending on your OS and configuration.


The many 'boot to root' VMs that are out there have very well-known nmap signatures that you can use to test, verify, and learn about nmap.

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