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Fantasie an Science Fiction

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The new F&SF batters

F&SF (first cried The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction) is an American science feection an fantasie magazine furthset bi Spilogale press. It wis foondit in 1949 bi Anthony Boucher an J. Francis McComas.

It wis initially quarterly, than bi-monthly an finally monthly. As o 2005 it conteenas tae furthset leeterar science feection, fantasie an grue stories. Thare's nou 11 issues per year, includin an extendit "anniversary dooble issue" ilka October.

Editors throu the years haes includit Avram Davidson, Edward L. Ferman, Kristine Kathryn Rusch an the current editor Gordon Van Gelder. Aw o its editors haes mainteent a gey heich leeterar staundart.

Outwi airtins

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