
Saint Seiya (聖闘士星矢(セイントセイヤ), Seinto Seiya) also known as Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac or simply as Knights of the Zodiac is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masami Kurumada, which the manga was previously released in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1986 until 1991. The story follows the orphan Seiya that has been send to Greece to obtain the Pegasus Bronze Cloth, to participate in a tournament named Galaxian Wars, in hope to see his sister again on earth.

The manga has been adapted into a TV Anime by Toei Animation from 1986 until 1989. There are also several spin-offs created from the original Saint Seiya art concept. Those spin-offs are mostly released in a manga series or a original anime TV series or a OVA. Starting 2019, a remake of the original anime was released on Netflix: SAINT SEIYA: Knights of the Zodiac with multiple seasons of the original anime also being released on the streaming platform.

The anime can be watched on Tubi, Plex, Roku, Pluto, Freevee, Netflix, and Crunchyroll.


Main article: Volumes


Main article: Episodes
