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Traps are a gameplay feature that appears in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. In the main campaign, they are designed and used by Lucas, coming in the form of complex rooms as well as the more common booby tapped boxes and trip wires. They also appear in End of Zoe in the swamp, made and used by Joe Baker.



Designed for Clancy Jarvis and Hoffman, this was a game which followed the rules of Blackjack, albeit with special power up cards as well as a fatal forfeit.

During the first phase, the two men would play a straightforwards game in which the bet was their fingers, losing some each time they lost a round. Ultimately, this led to Hoffman losing all of his and passing out briefly from the pain and blood loss.

The second phase began when Hoffman woke up and wanted to continue, the bet this time being linked to electricity, with the voltage increasing each time a player lost, before the final round which was all in. Once again, Hoffman lost and was violently electrocuted.

Despite seemingly being dead, Lucas continued to control Hoffman through the use of strings (akin to a puppet) and spoke for him in order for the game to continue to a third round. This time, a huge saw blade hung between the two men, its distance from the two changing depending on who won. Eventually, during the final round, 'Hoffman' plays a power up which ensures he has a perfect 21, causing Clancy to use his power up which makes his opponent get the best possible card they can have, and since all cards have a value of 1 or more, this leads to them going over the necessary number. Having gone bust, Clancy wins and Hoffman wakes up in time to meet his demise at the blades of "Mr Saw".

Birthday Room[]

Designed for Ethan Winters and tested by Clancy, this was a room where the purpose was to get a lighted candle onto the cake in the other room, though this would involve getting stabbed by the Quill Pen, having the word "LOSER" etched into their left arm, and ultimately burning to death in the birthday room from the gasoline which leaked from the barrel with the Winding Key.

By watching the "Happy Birthday" tape, Ethan sees how Clancy died in this room and consequently how not to, leading to him surviving the cake's explosion. Due to this, Lucas tries one more time to quickly dispose of Ethan with a Time Bomb dropped in from the ceiling, though this is used instead to blow up the wall and escape the room.

General Traps[]

Swing Beam[]

This was a trap used in front of the door to the birthday room, designed to kill Ethan should he stay in front of the keypad for too long. It would swing like a pendulum once, from the upper right corner of the room all the way to the left, crushing anyone caught in it into the ceiling.

Rigged Boxes[]

These were crates like any others encountered in the game, however instead of having supplies in them, they had a bomb which would go off once the box was broken. If they were hit by a melee weapon, or the player was simply too close to them when they opened, they would be knocked down and suffer considerable damage.

Rigged crates start appearing in the Testing Area and one more in the salt mines at the top of a set of stairs.

Trip Wires[]

Like the name suggests, these were bombs attached to a wall with a thin wire stretching from them to another point, and if tripped, would cause an explosion similar to the crates, knocking the player down and dealing considerable damage. They could either be shot or avoided altogether.

Trip wires are first encountered in the exact same room as the rigged crates, and one more appears in the salt mines across a staircase.

