Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok Wiki

At last... at long last... I can go at this sumo that's let me down for so long... with all I've got. I wanna risk my body... no... my whole life on this. 'Cos after all... I'm a rikishi.
Raiden Tameemon to Thrud in Resonance

Raiden Tameemon (birth name Tarōkichi Seki) is Humanity's representative in the fifth round of Ragnarok, going up against Shiva.

Raiden Tameemon, also known as the "Peerless Rikishi" (るいりき, Murui Rikishi) has the strongest muscles in the history of mankind and was a famous Japanese sumo wrestler; considered to be the best of all time.


Unlike his historical appearance, Raiden Tameemon is a physically imposing man, as he is seen towering above Brunhilde and Göll, even when sitting down. His hands are so big they easily cover up the hand plates of other sumo wrestlers. Raiden's hair is dark brown with white highlights strung throughout it and tied into a ponytail. His eyebrows are sharp and distinguished.

When introduced, he is naked, but prior to the fifth match, he receives his Völundr. The Völundr seems to adorn him in a set of tattoos, with black arm and leg bands that go around his wrists, elbows, ankles, and kneecaps (these ones being colored blue) and a large blue sumo belt around his waist.


Göll described Raiden as the "incarnation of desire", being shown as a perverted and lustful man when around beautiful women. Despite this, he claims that he's always completely serious about any statement he makes.

In the beginning of his fight against Shiva, Raiden appears to take the battle very seriously, disregarding almost all the statements the God made that fighting was fun. He later questions how people could possibly consider fighting a sport for enjoyment, signifying that his motivations differ vastly from that of Shiva's. Raiden's motivation for participating in Ragnarök was to free Humanity's will from the control of the Gods.

Growing up as child, Raiden was viewed a monster by many other kids and became depressed. His mother would encourage him to use his strength for the good of the weak and always hugged him with love. From that day, Raiden took his mother's words to heart and used his strength to help the villagers around him. When the Great Tenmei Famine began, Raiden became saddened by the death and suffering occurring all over his village and decided to become a sumo wrestler to raise money for his hometown.

At first, Raiden was afraid of accidentally harming his opponent during his sparring matches but Kajinosuke Tanikaze challenged Tarōkichi to spar with him and pushed him to do his best. Raiden dedicated his whole life to sumo and always performed at his best. But eventually, his opponents began to see him the same way as the children from back home would and so, Raiden decided to seal away his most powerful moves.

Raiden wants to use all sumo

Raiden Tameemon reveals that he wants to fight using sumo at its full power, even if it means destroying his body

However, as the days came and passed by, he slowly became jaded with sumo as there was no one who could withstand his full strength. Even so, he still won all of his matches for his hometown. When Shiva dealt him a heavy injury, Raiden started to enjoy the fight, which gave him the opportunity to do sumo to his heart's content. When his strongest attack was destroyed by Shiva, Raiden stood his ground against him and thanked Shiva for granting him the opportunity to do sumo like he used to, showing no signs of fear in the face of death and only regretted not giving it his all in many of his previous matches.

When Thrud became his Völundr, he started to develop romantic feelings for her and even asked her to leave in his last moments as he didn't want her to end up dying alongside him. But Thrud refused and told him of a promise she made to herself that once she fell in love with a man she'd stay by his side for the rest of her life which deeply moved Raiden, holding Thrud's hand and thanking her for everything.


Overall Abilities: Even from an early age, Raiden had extraordinary strength that needed to suppressed at all times in order for him to survive, but even with the limited access to his full strength, he managed to ingrain his name into history as the greatest sumo wrestler to ever live. Raiden also is said to have the strongest muscles in all of Human history.

Physical Abilities[]

Godlike Strength: Raiden possess immeasurable physical strength that match a God as he managed to stun Shiva with just two consecutive blows to the head, causing the Hindu God of Destruction to spit up blood. After removing the Hundred Seals, his latent force was released, allowing him to fight Shiva at full capacity, being able to blow straight through Shiva's guard and seriously damage the God. Even without the Hundred Seals, Raiden's blows managed to seriously injure Shiva despite him blocking with all four arms, eventually throwing him backwards with the sheer force and dazing him for a long time by hitting him in the gourd. Raiden was also capable of crushing one of Shiva's arms by concentrating his latent power into his grip.

Godlike Speed & Reflexes: Raiden can move at speeds of the Gods as he gave the first blow of the fight by dropkicking Shiva in the face and, after blocking his first punch, quickly countered with one of his own before Shiva could react. Upon releasing his latent strength, the force of Raiden's jump enabled him to reach Shiva in an instant and overwhelm him with a sequence of strikes that hurled the God backwards before finishing with a powerful blow to the head that the Hindu deity couldn't block. Then, after taking a barrage of Shiva's punches, Raiden quickly recovered from the blows and grabbed one of Shiva's arms before he even noticed; crushing it instantly. He can also become even faster through the utilization of the muscle manipulation ability granted to him by his Völundr.

Godlike Durability: Raiden withstood two extremely powerful punches from Shiva that hurled him upwards with little to no apparent damage. He also endured a volley of punches from Shiva with all four of his arms, suffering little damage and even managed to recover quickly afterwards by grabbing onto one of the God's other arms.

Godlike Endurance & Stamina: Raiden continued to fight against Shiva, even through the pain of his uncontrollable muscles and the God of Destruction's relentless attacks which caused him severe injuries. He managed to stay conscious and continue fighting even when burned by Shiva's attacks that ignited when he started his dance.

Muscle Control: As a young child, Raiden was able to manipulate his muscles to a degree, creating the 100 Seals so as to prevent his own muscles from constantly breaking his bones whenever he used them. After forming a Völundr with Thrud, Raiden could manipulate his muscles to a much greater degree, allowing him to freely control his physical strength. Raiden is even capable of shifting the mass of his muscles throughout his entire body, allowing him to focus his muscles into certain areas in order to increase the offensive and defensive power of specific body parts.

Fighting Abilities[]

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: As a sumo wrestler, Raiden does not use any weapons choosing to fight with nothing besides his own body. He possesses multiple techniques, including moves that are not allowed in sumo, being able to fight effectively Shiva even before he started using his sumo techniques.

  • Master Sumo Wrestler: As the Greatest Sumo Wrestler of all time, Raiden is the highest-ranking "Ozeki" with a career spanning 21 years. During this period of time, Raiden's record was 254 wins, 10 losses, 14 azukari, 2 wake, and 5 mushoubu out of 285 bouts, with a winning ratio of 0.962. However, when taking into consideration that he lost interest in Sumo and began intentionally throwing matches, Raiden has actually never lost a fight in his life prior to Ragnarök; an impressive feat and one worthy of someone titled the "Peerless Rikishi".

Supernatural Abilities[]

Golden Age: As a Human soul in the afterlife, Raiden possesses the appearance and skills that he had during his Golden Age, the age in which he was at his peak.


Dropkick anime Dropkick[1]: Raiden quickly charges at his opponent and jumps in the air while delivering a powerful kick onto their face with the soles of both of his feet.
Kiku-Ichimonji anime Kiku-Ichimonji (菊一文字, Chrysanthemum Straight Line)[2]: Raiden lunges at his opponent with an outstretched arm and briefly launching them spinning into the air before landing face-first onto the ground.
Jizo's Embrace anime Jizo's Embrace (抱き地蔵, Dakijizō)[3]: Raiden grabs his opponent's head and smashes his own into theirs with all his strength, leaving them completely stunned for good awhile.
Wild Boar anime Wild Boar (乱れ牡丹, Midarebotan)[4]: Raiden grabs a limb from his opponent and concentrates all of his might into his arms, crushing the gripped area.
Shishimai anime Shishimai (獅子舞, Dance of the Lion)[5]: Raiden launches his feet in the air with his hands supported on the ground while delivering a powerful kick with the soles of both feet.
Miyama anime Miyama (深山, Mountain Recess)[6]: Raiden puts up a wall of flesh by focusing his muscles into both of his arms as a way of defending himself.
Yatagarasu anime Yatagarasu (ガラス, Three-Legged Crow)[7]: The strongest form of Teppo, which is one of Raiden's forbidden moves. The most fundamental and essential in sumo, Raiden takes a stance by focusing the power of his muscles into his legs and then channeling said power into his hand, the flow of energy culminating in a palm strike with such force that it managed to blow away two of Shiva's arms despite him being in a defensive posture and releasing a shockwave that removed all sound from the Valhalla Arena.


Mawashi anime Supramuscular Exoskeletal Mawashi Belt (ちょうきんがいこつしめまわし, Chōkingai Kotsushime Mawashi):[8] A Divine Weapon in the form of a mawashi provided by the Völundr of the third Valkyrie, Thrud. It gives Raiden the ability to use all of his strength, unhindered by his rare medical condition, as well as gaining full control of over his muscles, allowing him to even shift their mass freely throughout his body. By shifting his muscle mass throughout his body, Raiden can increase the endurance or destructive power of specific parts of his body such as his forearms, legs or even his neck.
100 Seals anime Hundred Seals (百閉, Hyakuhei)[9]: A set of muscles that would seal the strength of his others. Raiden created the seal in order to prevent his muscles from crushing his own bones. After creating the Hundred Seals, Raiden barely managed to regain equilibrium within his own skeleton. By grabbing the muscles in his chest and twisting them, Raiden can break the seals and with Thrud's help, he was able to remove them without dying in the process, allowing him to fight at full strength.


  • (To Brunhilde) "What can I say? The more girls I chase, the more fired up I get."[10]
  • (To Thrud) "I'm always one hundred percent serious."[11]
  • (To Heimdall) "Full house, huh? Guess I'm adored by all ages, y'know?"[12]
  • (To Shiva) "Sorry to uh... rain on your parade... But do ya mind if I let loose now?"[13]
  • (To himself) "Looks like we've finally come to an agreement, damned muscles of mine. So this is what it feels like... to go full throttle."[14]
  • (To himself) "Man, what a pain."[15]
  • (To Ken Seki) "Mama... Why am I not like everyone else? Why'd God... make me such a freak?"[16]
  • (To Kajinosuke Tanikaze) "Sumo's... fun!!"[17]
  • (To Thrud) "At last... at long last... I can go at this sumo that's let me down for so long... with all I've got. I wanna risk my body... no... my whole life on this. 'Cos after all... I'm a rikishi."[18]
  • (To Shiva) "Heh. Guys like you are... a real pain."[19]
  • (To Shiva) "Thanks. It was 'cause of you... that I was able to do sumo... to my heart's content. I gave it everything I had... without a trace of regret."[20]
  • (Final words before being banished to Niflhel) "...It's been a pleasure."[21]


  • The name Raiden means "thunder and lightning" (雷電).
  • Raiden's surname Tameemon means "change, be of use, reach to, do, try, practice, cost, serve as" (爲) (tame) and "gate" (門) (mon).

Birth Name[]

  • The name Tarokichi means "thick, big, great" (太) (ta), "son" (郎) (ro) and "lucky, good" (吉) (kichi).
  • Taorikichi's surname Seki means "barrier, gate" (関).


  1. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 32 (Page 13-14).
  2. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 35 (Page 14).
  3. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 35 (Page 22).
  4. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 35 (Page 33).
  5. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 38 (Page 12).
  6. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 38 (Page 24).
  7. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 39 (Page 68).
  8. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 31 (Page 31).
  9. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 33 (Page 13).
  10. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 31 (Page 16).
  11. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 31 (Page 21).
  12. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 31 (Page 36).
  13. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 32 (Page 35-36).
  14. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 33 (Page 24-25).
  15. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 38 (Page 39).
  16. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 39 (Page 10-11).
  17. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 39 (Page 31).
  18. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 40 (Page 14).
  19. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 40 (Page 31-32).
  20. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 41 (Page 32-33).
  21. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Manga: Chapter 41 (Page 34).


v - e
Einherjar AdamBuddhaJack the RipperKojiro SasakiLeonidasLü BuMichel NostradamusNikola TeslaQin Shi HuangRaiden TameemonSakata KintokiSimo HäyhäSoji Okita
Gods Fighters AnubisApolloBeelzebubBishamontenHadesHajunHeraclesLokiOdinPoseidonShivaSusano'o no MikotoThorZerofukuZeus
Valkyries AlvitrBrunhildeGeirölulGöndulGöllHlökkHristRandgrizReginleifThrud
Humans AbelAlbert EinsteinAlfred NobelAnneArthur Conan DoyleCainCao CaoCao PiCastorChen GongChun OuChun YanConfuciusDane TeslaEisaburo AbiruEnsign TEveGalileo GalileiGenpaku SugitaGenzaburo InoueGuan YuHagisHajime SaitoHanemon SekiHeisuke TodoHokusai KatsushikaInshun HozoinIori MiyamotoIsaac NewtonIsami KondoIttosai IttoJack SmithJatakaJesusJohann Sebastian BachKagekatsu TodaKagemasa TodaKajinosuke TanikazeKai ShimadaKeisuke YamanamiKen SekiKisaburo OnogawaLiu BangLiu BeiLiu CheMarie CurieMaryMichelangeloMilka TeslaMusashi MiyamotoNobutsuna KamiizumiSanosuke HaradaSeigen TodaSeijuro YoshiokaSekishusai YagyuShinpachi NagakuraSocratesSuddhodanaSun QuanThomas EdisonTorajiToshizo HijikataYohachi UrakazeWilliam ShakespeareWolfgang Amadeus MozartXerxesZhang FeiZhu Yuanzhang
Gods AdamasAgniAmaterasu OkamiAphroditeAresBenzaitenBrahmaDaikokutenDurgaEbisuForsetiFukurokujuGaneshaHeimdallHephaestusHermesHoteisonIndraIzanagiJurojinKaliKanayagoshinLilithNishumbhaParvatiProteusRudraShumbhaTsukuyomi no MikotoTyrVarunaVishnu
Primordial Gods Gaia
Demigods Siegfried
Demons AndrasChiyouFlaurosIncubusPythonThe Serpent
Angels AzazelLuciferSamael
Titans Kronos
Giants Giants
Animals CerberusHuginnMuninnRed Hare
Others Unnamed Characters