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"The Bus Uncle" to kantońskie video pokazujące sprzeczkę pomiędzy dwoma pasażerami autobusu w Hong Kongu 27 kwietnia 2006r. Podczas gdy starszy mężczyzna (Chan), przezwany żartobliwie "Wujek z autobusu", ang. "the Bus Uncle", zbeształ mężczyznę siędzącego za nim (Ho), a niedaleko siedzący pasażer używając swojego telefonu komórkowego z kamerą nagrał całe zajście, by mieć dowód dla policji w razie bójki. Wynikłe sześcio minutowe nagranie [1]zostało przesłane na Hong Kong Golden Forum, YouTube, i Google Video. Klip ten był jednym z najczęściej oglądanych video na YouTube w Maju 2006r,[2] przyciągając widzów swoim retorycznym wybuchem gniewu i licznym użytkiem przekleństw przez starszego mężczyznę, zostało ono obejrzane 1.7miliona razy w trzech pierwszych tygodniach tego miesiąca.[3]

The video became a cultural sensation in Hong Kong, inspiring vigorous debate and discussion on lifestyle, etiquette, civic awareness and media ethics within the city, eventually attracting the attention of the media around the world.


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The incident took place aboard a Kowloon Motor Bus route 68X bus en route to Yuen Long

The video depicts the incident that took place on the upper deck of a double decker[2] Kowloon Motor Bus, Route no. 68X[4] en route to Yuen Long, Hong Kong at approximately 11:00 p.m. on April 27 2006.[5] It began when a young bespectacled male passenger tapped the shoulder of a middle-aged man in front of him, asking the man to lower his voice while on his mobile phone. The man in front turned around and reacted strongly[3] with a rant[2] about being unnecessarily provoked under stress:


The younger man, who seldom talked back, expressed a desire to end the discussion. However, the middle-aged man insisted that the matter was not settled and requested an apology from him:


The younger man apologised, reluctantly shook hands, and also warned the older man regarding the use of mother insults.[6] This last warning resulted in more profanities from the older man:[3]


The video ends with the older man receiving a phone call.[7]

The "Bus Uncle" title for the video was coined by members of an Internet forum in reference to the older man in the video. In Hong Kong culture, it is common to refer to an older man as "Uncle" (阿叔), hence the English translation "The Bus Uncle". The name is also a reference to football commentator Lam Sheung Yee (林尚義), who is nicknamed "Uncle" and whose voice resembles that of the older man. Lam's name appears as part of the title of the original video.[1] Contrary to reports in Western media,[4][7][8] the word "Uncle" (阿叔) was not used.[9]

People involved

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Bus Uncle

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As the video became well-known, reporters looked for the "Bus Uncle" near the end of the 68X bus route. Eventually, they found the 51-year-old[7] restaurant worker who resides in Yuen Long, Roger Chan Yuet Tung (Chinese: 陳乙東).[10] As of June 2006, after his identity was revealed, Chan was criticised for reportedly demanding remuneration for interviews.[11]

Young man

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The young man scolded in the video is Elvis Ho Yui Hei (Chinese: 何銳熙), a 23-year-old[7] property agent of his family's property management company. On May 23 2006, Ho (previously misidentified as "Alvin" or "Elvin"[12]) called a talk show on Commercial Radio Hong Kong claiming to be the young man involved in the argument. In a later interview with the South China Morning Post, Ho said he often takes long bus rides home and would frequently ask passengers to lower their voices so he could take a nap. Despite having been threatened, Ho said he forgave "Bus Uncle" and sympathised with whatever stress the older man was suffering.[5] His patience throughout the ordeal was inspired by tai chi chuan, a Chinese martial art characterized by slow movements, specialized breathing techniques and emotional internalization.[6]


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The person who recorded the video clip was identified as Jon Fong Wing Hang (Chinese: 方穎恆), a 21-year-old accountant and part-time psychology student.[4] After he called a radio station on May 25 2006, Fong, who recorded the incident with a Sony Ericsson W800e mobile phone, claimed there was a second video yet to be posted online in which Ho fought back by making fun of "Bus Uncle" with a friend on the phone. Fong stated that the reason for the recording was to provide evidence to the police in case "Bus Uncle" became physically violent.[13] However, he "told reporters that he often takes videos as a hobby, and had just planned to share this one with friends."[4]


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Chan stated that when Ho tapped him on the shoulder, he was under stress from an argument with his girlfriend and was calling the Samaritans suicide-prevention hotline for support. However, Ho claimed that Chan was just chatting with friends.[14] Sing Tao Daily reported that Chan visited Ho's office on May 31, 2006 in Mong Kok to apologise for the dispute and to initiate a business proposal for the duo to hold a "Bus Uncle Rave Party". Chan was quickly rejected and expelled by Ho, who expressed outrage towards the journalists who arranged the meeting and threatened legal action against the press.[15] No charges were pressed against Chan himself, although Ming Pao opined that his behaviour theoretically contravened the general code of conduct of bus passengers.[16]

The video clip has English subtitles which, while erroneous in parts, never stray far from the general tenor of the Cantonese version.[17] News of the video clip has penetrated Western media and has been widely syndicated, and reported in prominent international journals in late May 2006, such as Channel NewsAsia, CNN, and The Wall Street Journal.[10][2][6]

Social impacts

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The famous quotes of Chan are now frequently used, mimicked, and parodied in Hong Kong, particularly by teenagers.[18][19] A radio talk show host of Commercial Radio Hong Kong mentioned an incident involving his friend, a teacher, and his students at the end of an examination. When the time was up, a student yelled, "It's not settled! It's not settled!" (Chinese: "未解決!未解決!"), refusing to stop writing. Only when another teacher replied, "You may be stressed, but so am I," (Chinese: "你有壓力,我有壓力!") did the student agree to stop.[20][19]

The catch phrases appear on Internet forums, posters, and radio programmes.[21][6] Various music videos have been created using the catch phrases, including pop,[4] karaoke, rap, dance and disco remixes.Błąd w przypisach: Brak znacznika zamykającego </ref> po otwartym znaczniku <ref> Merchandise such as cartoon T-shirts and mobile phone ringtones have also been produced and sold on the Internet.[21][6]

In June 2006, TVB television made a parody of the Bus Uncle video in promoting its coverage of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, featuring its sports commentator Lam Sheung Yee (林尚義), whose voice resembles Chan's, on a bus playing the role of the Bus Uncle. In the advertisement, a passenger sitting behind Lam Sheung Yee (played by Lam Man Chung) questions whether Lam Sheung Yee feels pressured for his responsibilities in the upcoming World Cup, which would be his last TV appearance before retirement. Turning around, Lam replies that there is no pressure and emphasises the issue (i.e. the viewers' demand for World Cup coverage) has been resolved. The passenger then offers to shake hands with Lam Sheung Yee, calling for a truce.[22]

In addition, sitcoms of ATV and TVB imitated the video in argument scenes. In episode 67 of the TVB sitcom Welcome to the House, the young bespectacled main character tried to stop a man from talking too loudly on the mobile phone in the cinema. As a result, he was harshly rebuked by the man. Once his family knew about the incident from a video uploaded on the Internet, they taught the character to be more assertive and not to allow himself to be bullied. In the end, he was able to stand up to the same man when they met again in the cinema and remove him from the premises.[23]

Closer look at life in Hong Kong

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Although many found the video humorous and entertaining, others warned that it hints at a more alarming and sinister prognosis of life in stress-filled Hong Kong, particularly inside buses, nicknamed "flying cars of death"[6] and other overcrowded areas. The fact that Chan was runner-up "Person of the Year" announced by Radio Television Hong Kong indicated that it might have struck a chord with the general population.[24] There was support for Ho's desire for a lower volume as well as sympathy for the stress felt by the "Bus Uncle."[24] Others maintained that Chan's actions were atypical of etiquette in Hong Kong.[6]

To Kit, a well-known columnist and broadcaster, made a commentary about the incident on Commercial Radio. He described the behavior of Chan as "noise raping" and said that the incident was the manifestation of underlying social tension as well as the mindset of a common "Hongkonger." He criticised Ho's speechlessness as being too weak, likewise a stereotype of present-day Hong Kong youth. In addition, he noted that the incident implied that harmony in the neighbourhood was somehow upset.[25]

Lee Sing, director of the Hong Kong Mood Disorders Centre at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, warned that Hong Kong's high-stress working environments are spawning a city-full of "Bus Uncles". Lee estimated that one out of every 50 grumpy Hong Kongers suffers from intermittent explosive disorder,[2] turning one into a "ticking time bomb" of rage and violence.[26]

Journalism professor and internet expert Anthony Fung Ying-him also attributed the popularity of the low-resolution video of a "trivial event" to the emotional climate of the city.[26] While other viral videos are favoured by specific demographics, this one spread widely due to its universal[27] expression of "the true feelings of ordinary people."[2]

On the other hand, Ho Kwok Leung, an applied social science lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, held that the attention surrounding the video reflects the boring lives led by Hong Kong people. With few interesting topics to discuss, they get to savour the pleasures of spreading information to a vast audience and the creation of Internet memes. Furthermore, the banning of the usage of some video catchphrases in certain schools made the incident more appealing. This lifestyle, according to Leung, is fertile ground for the cultivation of a "video clip culture".[28]

Civic awareness concerns

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Ah Nong (阿濃), a popular literary figure and artist in Hong Kong, believed that the incident highlighted the apathy of the common Hong Kong people. He emphasised that during the heated exchange between Chan and Ho, not a single bystander came to Ho's aid. He recalled an incident a few years back where he confronted a man smoking on the lower deck of a bus and was scolded for the rest of the journey. He said it was useless to complain to the bus driver who would not bother to waste his time, let alone the other passengers. Ah Nong argued that in such a society, a person can be accused of wrongdoing despite good intentions.[29]

Apple Tse Ho Yi, minister of the Hong Kong Christian Service, carried out a survey of 506 students over the age of 12 about the Bus Uncle incident and civic awareness in general. Of the respondents who claim they regularly encountered people speaking loudly on the phone on buses, only 47 percent said they would intervene by talking to the phone user or alerting the driver. Reasons for inaction include fear, apathy and inability to solve the problem. On civic awareness, the majority of the respondents did not consider chatting loudly on the phone to be wrong. Tse concluded that the current generation of Hong Kong young people have poor civic awareness, and it is natural that disputes often occur due to inconsideration.[30][31]

Ng Fung Sheung, a social science lecturer of the City University of Hong Kong, explained that Hong Kong people tend to chat loudly in public places. She attributed this phenomenon to the television screens found in many vehicles and trains, which broadcast programmes at high volumes. She suggested that the government should provide better civic education for the public to make them more considerate of others. When it comes to schools which banned the usage of catch phrases like "I'm stressed!" Ng stated that teachers must be able to distinguish whether the students really face pressure or are simply following the trend, and provide guidance if necessary.[18]

Criticism of Hong Kong media ethics

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Some denied that any social insight could be gleaned from the video clip, arguing that the frenzy was artificially created by sensationalist newspapers in order to boost circulation and profits. Clement So York-kee, Director of the School of Journalism at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, warned that methods to uncover the incident between Chan and Ho "did not seem to … [involve the] traditional practice of news reporting."[27] For example, several media outlets offered rewards on unmasking Bus Uncle's identity. In late May 2006, a group of journalists and photographers initiated and followed Chan's second meeting with Ho. After Ho's refusal, they brought Bus Uncle to a dinner and karaoke session.[32] Although the session was widely reported, many believed it was artificially created news and unworthy of front-page attention.[33]

Ta Kung Pao stated that the Bus Uncle incident put the professionalism of the Hong Kong mass media to the test, its editorial noting that in addition to Roger Chan seeking remuneration for interviews, he made many extraordinary claims about his life which were published without verification. The editorial concluded by advising journalists not to fabricate news; instead they should place emphasis on the verifiability of their stories and think carefully whether an incident is worth reporting.[34]

Others held that the frenzy was not the product of a media conspiracy, but rather a reflection of the public's curiosity and of Hong Kong's competitive consumer-driven media market.[27] The situation also allowed camera phone marketers to highlight the potential comedic value and to draw attention away from privacy concerns.[32]


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  1. a b Wing Hang Fong: X尚義聲線高壓呀叔搭巴士途中問候後生仔 (the original "Bus Uncle" video). 2006-04-29. [dostęp 2007-06-07]. (kant.).
  2. a b c d e f Marianne Bray: Irate HK man unlikely Web hero. June 9, 2006. [dostęp 2007-05-03]. Cytat: The encounter … became the most viewed video on in May, with nearly three million people flocking to see the original and its incarnations, like the Karaoke version, the rap remix and the dance and disco take.
  3. a b c Min Lee: Grumpy Man Is Internet Hit. [w:] CBS News (AP) [on-line]. May 25 2006. Also published by The Standard as Video of whinging bus rider a hit on Net. May 26 2006. [dostęp 2007-05-03].
  4. a b c d e Howard Kurtz: Cats and Dogs Edition. [w:] The Washington Post [on-line]. 2006-06-08. [dostęp 2007-05-04]. Cytat: Mr. Ho called him 'uncle,' a familiar way of addressing an elder male in Cantonese. Quotes from a Wall Street Journal article.
  5. a b Błąd w składni szablonu {{Cytuj stronę}}. Brak podanego adresu cytowanej strony (parametr url=|).
  6. a b c d e f g Geoffrey A. Fowler: 'Bus Uncle' craze in Hong Kong reflects city stress. [w:] Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (The Wall Street Journal) [on-line]. 2007-06-07. [dostęp 2007-06-08].
  7. a b c d Eugene Robinson: When Life Makes You Cry Uncle. [w:] The Washington Post [on-line]. 2006-06-09. [dostęp 2007-06-08].
  8. Lane DeGregory: Elvis and the Bus Uncle. [w:] St. Petersburg Times [on-line]. 2006-06-15. [dostęp 2007-06-08].
  9. Wing Hang Fong: 巴士阿叔 - Bus Uncle (雙語字幕 - Bilingual Substitle). 2006-05-11. [dostęp 2007-06-07]. (kant.).
  10. a b Geoffrey A Fowler: Hong Kong's "Bus Uncle" beaten up by three men. [w:] Channel NewsAsia [on-line]. June 8 2006. [dostęp 2007-03-25].
  11. Błąd w składni szablonu {{Cytuj stronę}}. Brak podanego adresu cytowanej strony (parametr url=|).
  12. Collection of news articles related to the Bus Uncle. 2006. [dostęp 2007-09-07].
  13. 巴士阿叔短片攝影師現身 ("The Cameraman revealed"). May 26 2006. [dostęp 2007-03-25]. (chiń.).
  14. 巴士阿叔痛哭 「我想自殺」 (Bus Uncle sobs, "I want to commit suicide!"). [w:] Next Magazine [on-line]. 2006-05-31. [dostęp 2007-04-20]. Issue No. 847. (chiń.).
  15. 「阿叔」何許人也!. [w:] Sing Tao Daily [on-line]. [dostęp 2007-04-17]. (kant.).
  16. 搭巴士地鐵講粗口違例 ("Profanity on buses and the MTR is against the law"). [w:] Ming Pao [on-line]. 2006-05-26. [dostęp 2007-04-25]. (chiń.).
  17. Bus Uncle with Chinese and English Subtitles. 2006-05-11. [dostęp 2007-09-08].
  18. a b The Bus Uncle reveals many problems with society (巴士阿叔揭示社會問題). [w:] Ta Kung Pao [on-line]. 2006-05-28. [dostęp 2007-04-27]. (chiń.).
  19. a b {{{tytuł}}}.
  20. The sentence was a common misquotation. The exact phrasing, which is grammatically incorrect, was the other way round, "我有壓力,你有壓力!"
  21. a b 長鬚 ("Long Beard"): "大熱! 巴士阿叔效應" ("Hot! Bus Uncle Revealed!"). [w:] Apple Daily [on-line]. May 19, 2006. [dostęp 2007-03-25]. (chiń.).
  22. Szablon:Cite video
  23. {{{tytuł}}}. (chiń.)
  24. a b Michael DeGolyer: Commentary: The power of the people. [w:] Hong Kong Standard [on-line]. January 4, 2007. [dostęp 2007-03-23].
  25. {{{tytuł}}}. (chiń.)
  26. a b Błąd w składni szablonu {{Cytuj stronę}}. Brak podanego adresu cytowanej strony (parametr url=|).
  27. a b c Błąd w składni szablonu {{Cytuj stronę}}. Brak podanego adresu cytowanej strony (parametr url=|).
  28. Błąd w składni szablonu {{Cytuj stronę}}. Brak podanego adresu cytowanej strony (parametr url=|).
  29. Ah Nong 阿濃: Dispute on the Bus (車上糾紛). [w:] Ta Kung Pao [on-line]. 2006-05-30. [dostęp 2007-06-08]. (chiń.).
  30. Błąd w składni szablonu {{Cytuj stronę}}. Brak podanego adresu cytowanej strony (parametr url=|).
  31. Youngsters mostly dislike spitting (港青年最憎隨地吐痰行為). [w:] Ta Kung Pao [on-line]. 2006-06-01. [dostęp 2007-06-08]. (chiń.).
  32. a b Patrick Lejtenyi: Bombs and Bus Uncle. [w:] Montreal Mirror [on-line]. June 8–14, 2006. [dostęp 2007-05-06].
  33. 由巴士阿叔,到星島造新聞實錄 ("From the Bus Uncle's appearance to the fabrication of news by Sing Tao"). [w:] 香港獨立媒體 [on-line]. 2006-06-01. [dostęp 2007-04-27]. (chiń.).
  34. 尤金 You Jin: The coverage of the Bus Uncle should come to an end (「巴士阿叔」新聞應告一段落). [w:] Editorial [on-line]. 2006-06-02. [dostęp 2007-06-13]. (chiń.).
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