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Questions tagged [illness]

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Private language argument as an argument against the self and so egosim

“The words of this language are to refer to what only the speaker can know — to his immediate private sensations. So another person cannot understand the language.”... Immediately after introducing ...
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Does Descartes exclude madness from his meditations?

For Descartes, is madness fundamentally different to dreaming? Reading these blog posts (I am unfamiliar with the discussion really), which has a few points against Foucault's analysis that it is ...
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5 answers

What is the difference between stupid and crazy? [closed]

What is the difference between stupid and crazy? Craziness is irrational, so what's the difference? Both involve a failure to function well. Is it that crazy serves a purpose, retroactively speaking? ...
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In Madness and Civilization does Foucault say / imply that no-one loves a mad person?

In Madness and Civilization does Foucault say / imply that no-one loves a mad person? If not ever, then that it has been a system of power? I can't tell whether or not I just made that up, when I read ...
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How would Szasz reply to the claim that cognitive problems aren't always one's own fault?

How would Szasz reply to the claim that cognitive problems aren't always one's own fault? It seems only reasonable to claim that. It seems to me that saying otherwise is close to the claim that we ...
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What is Nietzsche's madman to his Overman?

The parable of the madman, says: At last he threw his lantern on the ground, and it broke into pieces and went out. "I have come too early," he said then; "my time is not yet. This tremendous ...
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What are the ethical issues specific to the coercive treatment of schizophrenia?

Are there many ethical issues specific to forced psychiatric treatment of the schizophrenic? I'm guessing there's a few, if the failure of psychoanalysis to treat the schizophrenic represents a ...
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How does Szasz refuse a "sick role" to mental illness?

Szasz is an anti-psychiatric thinker or philosopher, working to de-legitimize psychiatry. I've read a little, and find his argument itself poor, but have a question for the social psychology that it ...
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What is it like to be "completely insane/deranged"? [closed]

Thomas Nagel popularized the question "What is it like to be a bat?". The idea was to show that there is something more than physical involved in consciousness. My question is related but a little ...
Ahmed Abdullah's user avatar
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D+G on mental illness

Did Deleuze and Guatarri ever write about the actual extant illness or madness "schizophrenia", in their philosophical study Capitalism and Schizophrenia? I can't help but feel that a sensitive ...
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