[SPIKE] Why can the Reply Tool be opened on a page with broken/incomplete table syntax.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task is about investigating why someone was able to open the Reply Tool on a page that contained broken/incomplete table syntax.

This issue was reported in this comment at Meta: #Proposal_to_enable_DiscussionTools_on_Meta-Wiki.


T246481 lowers the likelihood that content corruption will occur by preventing people from opening the Reply Tool on pages that contain broken or incomplete table syntax.

However, it seems [i][ii] someone was able to open the Reply Tool on a page that contains broken or incomplete table syntax.

Note: the Reply Tool behaved as expected (read: was prevented from opening) when I tried to open it on a page that contained incomplete table syntax: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:PPelberg_(WMF)/Sandbox .


  1. Visit a talk page that contains broken/incomplete table syntax: https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Alsee&oldid=20438568
  2. Click the [ reply] link appended to the comment signed Alsee (talk) 05:48, 10 September 2020 (UTC)


  1. ❗️Notice the Reply Tool opens


  1. ✅Notice a dialog opens that says the following: Comments on this page can't be replied to because of an error in the wikitext. You can learn about this error by reading the documentation, ask for help by posting here or fix the error by opening the full page editor.


Per the conversation @Esanders and I had on 15-September, we're going to investigate this task once T262408 and its sub-tasks are resolved as we think the change required to resolve those tickets will solve this one as well.

Open questions

  • Determine why it was possible for someone to open the Reply Tool and post these comments [i][ii]
  • What – if any – patches are needed to implement the "Expected" behavior


  • All "Open questions" are answered

i. https://w.wiki/dKq
ii. https://w.wiki/dKr

Event Timeline

For this specific example, you won't get the error on https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Alsee&oldid=20438568, because the check for lint errors is done on the latest revision of the page, and the latest revision of that page doesn't have any broken tables right now. This is intentional and done this way because adding a reply will also edit the latest revision of the page (even if you use the interface while viewing an older revision).

For the more general scenario that Alsee found, it's a timing issue. The check results are updated with a small delay after a new revision is saved. It works like this:

  1. User saves an edit (via wikitext editor, or the reply tool, or anything)
  2. The revision is parsed immediately using the old PHP parser, to display the page
  3. A job is scheduled to parse it using Parsoid
  4. After Parsoid parses the page, it updates the lint check results

If you try using the reply tool while this process is between step 3 and 4, you won't get the expected error. I'm not sure what is the timing on this, probably a few seconds, but it might be longer. (Also, opening the reply tool also causes the page to be parsed using Parsoid in the background, so if you close it and try again, you'll probably get the error then.)

We initially ran the lint check in our own code instead of using the cached results, but that turned out to be slow, so we ended up with the current solution (T253799).

For this specific example, you won't get the error on https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Alsee&oldid=20438568, because the check for lint errors is done on the latest revision of the page, and the latest revision of that page doesn't have any broken tables right now. This is intentional and done this way because adding a reply will also edit the latest revision of the page (even if you use the interface while viewing an older revision).

Understood, okay.

For the more general scenario that Alsee found, it's a timing issue. The check results are updated with a small delay after a new revision is saved. It works like this:

  1. User saves an edit (via wikitext editor, or the reply tool, or anything)
  2. The revision is parsed immediately using the old PHP parser, to display the page
  3. A job is scheduled to parse it using Parsoid
  4. After Parsoid parses the page, it updates the lint check results

If you try using the reply tool while this process is between step 3 and 4, you won't get the expected error. I'm not sure what is the timing on this, probably a few seconds, but it might be longer. (Also, opening the reply tool also causes the page to be parsed using Parsoid in the background, so if you close it and try again, you'll probably get the error then.)

We initially ran the lint check in our own code instead of using the cached results, but that turned out to be slow, so we ended up with the current solution (T253799).

To be doubly sure I'm understanding this correctly, can you please tell me if the below is accurate?

The reason Alsee was able to save a Reply on a page that contained broken/incomplete table syntax is because he most likely opened the tool, and subsequently published a comment with it, after the page, in its still "broken table state"," was parsed by the PHP parser, but before the page, in its still "broken table state," was parsed by Parsoid.

Yes, that sounds right to me.

Roger that. Thank you, Bartosz.

As discussed during today's standup, for now, we are not going to address this issue because we are assuming the following:

  1. It is unlikely that someone will attempt to post a table using the Reply Tool. Reasons:
    • Embedding tables within lists is not supported by any editing interface
    • The Reply Tool's preview will lead people to see that tables within lists are not supported [ii]
    • Of the 6,577 Reply Tool comments we've analyzed thus far, we have yet to observe a case of someone including a table as part of their comment. [iv]
  2. It is most likely that someone will be prevented from publishing a comment using the Reply Tool on a page that contains a broken table. Reasons:
    • In these cases, people will be prevented from opening the Reply Tool because by the time they attempt to open it, Parsoid will have parsed the page, updated the lint check results and subsequently "informed" the Reply Tool that it should not be opened on this page because of the broken syntax that is present on it.

Next step

  • In T263709#6491030, Bartosz explained why this issue occurred. @Whatamidoing-WMF, are you able to share this rationale with the people who participated in the Proposal to enable DiscussionTools on Meta-Wiki as an opt-in Beta Feature discussion on Meta? [i] Can you also share that, for now, we are not going to address this issue for the reasons listed in T263709#6502328 and ask whether people can see holes in this logic?

For context, this ticket was a response to the behavior Alsee links to in in "3" and "5" in this comment. [iii]

i. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meta:Babel
ii. T241388#5830983
iii. https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Meta%3ABabel&type=revision&diff=20438976&oldid=20438573
iv. https://dtcheck.toolforge.org/dtstats.html

Next step

  • In T263709#6491030, Bartosz explained why this issue occurred. @Whatamidoing-WMF, are you able to share this rationale with the people who participated in the Proposal to enable DiscussionTools on Meta-Wiki as an opt-in Beta Feature discussion on Meta? [i] Can you also share that, for now, we are not going to address this issue for the reasons listed in T263709#6502328 and ask whether people can see holes in this logic?

@Whatamidoing-WMF has posted this ticket to the vote discussion on Meta [i]. If anyone sees issues with the logic in T263709#6503764 please comment here.

In the meantime, I'm going to move this to Ready for Sign Off. If no comments are posted by 15-October, I'm going to resolve this ticket.

i. https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Meta%3ABabel&type=revision&diff=20506076&oldid=20504038

ppelberg closed this task as Resolved.EditedOct 16 2020, 12:48 AM

Next step

  • In T263709#6491030, Bartosz explained why this issue occurred. @Whatamidoing-WMF, are you able to share this rationale with the people who participated in the Proposal to enable DiscussionTools on Meta-Wiki as an opt-in Beta Feature discussion on Meta? [i] Can you also share that, for now, we are not going to address this issue for the reasons listed in T263709#6502328 and ask whether people can see holes in this logic?

@Whatamidoing-WMF has posted this ticket to the vote discussion on Meta [i]. If anyone sees issues with the logic in T263709#6503764 please comment here.

In the meantime, I'm going to move this to Ready for Sign Off. If no comments are posted by 15-October, I'm going to resolve this ticket.

It's now 15-October-2020 and I am not seeing any new comments so I'm going to close this task.