Close Turkish Wikinews
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As the community consensus indicates, we would like to turn off editing on Turkish Wikinews. Thanks.

Event Timeline

Is this a request to close the wiki?

Though, I find it slightly amusing "community consensus" for closing trwikinews has been done on trwiki...

Though, I find it slightly amusing "community consensus" for closing trwikinews has been done on trwiki...

The most active community among Turkish speakers is on Wikipedia.

To answer the other question, we would like to keep the "history" (news content) for archiving purposes, but the wiki should be read-only.

Well, deleted would mean it wasn't accessible at all. closed is basically readonly...

RhinosF1 subscribed.

I’ve sent a message to the sitereq-l list but doesn’t this need to follow which it seems to have not.

I’ve sent a message to the sitereq-l list but doesn’t this need to follow which it seems to have not.

We’ve had a message saying it’s okay from LangCom. Any other thoughts?

Yes. It isn't the Wikinews community, but the Wikipedia community consensus. As such, the argument on a distinction between voluntary and involuntary closure falls, and discussion on closing tr.wikinews should be on meta with proper notification to trwikinews, which seems to have not been done.

I'm not a member of LangCom.

Reedy changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Mar 10 2020, 7:01 PM

Yes. It isn't the Wikinews community, but the Wikipedia community consensus. As such, the argument on a distinction between voluntary and involuntary closure falls, and discussion on closing tr.wikinews should be on meta with proper notification to trwikinews, which seems to have not been done.

I'm not a member of LangCom.

Tagging as stalled then

@Superyetkin: Do you plan to follow T247330#5957545 and bring this up on meta and notify trwikinews?

@Superyetkin: Could you please answer the last comment(s)? Thanks!

@Superyetkin: Do you plan to follow T247330#5957545 and bring this up on meta and notify trwikinews?

Yes, absolutely. @HakanIST, what do you think?

Closing this, @Superyetkin: After you have provided a discussion on the local wiki as asked for or approval from LangCom via, please set the status of this task back to "Open" via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown. Thanks!

The community consensus can be found here.

RhinosF1 triaged this task as Medium priority.

Change 605978 had a related patch set uploaded (by RhinosF1; owner: RhinosF1):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] close trwikinews

RhinosF1 renamed this task from Disable Turkish Wikinews for editing to Close Turkish Wikinews.Jun 16 2020, 6:42 PM
RhinosF1 updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 606133 had a related patch set uploaded (by RhinosF1; owner: RhinosF1):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Merge commit 'refs/changes/78/605978/2' of ssh:// into T247330

Change 606133 abandoned by RhinosF1:
Merge commit 'refs/changes/78/605978/2' of ssh:// into T247330

Change 605978 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] close trwikinews

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-22T23:36:39Z] <catrope@deploy1001> Synchronized dblists/: Close trwikinews (T247330) (duration: 00m 58s)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-22T23:40:59Z] <catrope@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: touch for T247330 (duration: 00m 56s)