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    Vis profilen til Kevin Petrie, grafisk

    Vice President of Research at BARC

    AI/ML initiatives need a multifaceted platform that delivers many data types to many models. The AI database can help. My new BARC report, sponsored by, defines what the AI database is, why it matters, and how it supports popular use cases. Read the full report here and excerpts below. Will this type of platform meet your requirements? This emerging type of platform manages objects such as tables and documents, as well as vectors that assign numerical values to chunks of unstructured data. These chunks might be groups of words, images, audio clips, or video segments. The AI database can apply one or more various AI models to each piece of data, whatever the format, and combine multiple signals to create more accurate AI outputs. For example, a GenAI chatbot might calibrate its text outputs based on the results of a machine learning or natural language processing model. By consolidating models and data types in one multi-purpose platform, the AI database improves computing efficiency and scalability compared with disparate single-purpose platforms. Three categories of vendors are converging on the AI database market: lake houses, data warehouses, and vector databases. Lake houses and data warehouses are adding vector and text capabilities, while vector databases are adding support for text and tables. For example, combines text, table and vector database capabilities into one platform. The AI database organizes and searches this multi structured data as described below. > Organize The AI database organizes its data, for example by placing similar vectors close to another based on assessments of their metadata. It also governs data with role-based access controls, encryption, masking of personally identifiable information (PII), and audit logs that support compliance reporting. This improves accuracy and reduces risk. > Search The AI database also searches tables, text, and vectors. It queries tables (still the most popular AI input) to find or derive specific values; finds document passages that match keywords; and runs similarity searches on vectors. It then selects and makes inferences in the data using various AI models. AI models AI databases support three primary types of AI models: machine learning, natural language processing, and GenAI. These various AI/ML models learn patterns, make inferences, and create outputs based on what they receive from the AI database – in fact, the AI database often hosts and runs the models. In some cases, the models are embedded within applications. Tim Young Jon Bratseth Shawn Rogers Timm Grosser Jacqueline Bloemen Florian Bigelmaier Eckerson Group Vignesh N Subra Gupta M. Andreas Kretz Myles Suer Alena Godin Gilles Simler Dr. Phil Hendrix Bill Schmarzo Paulina Rios Maya Michael Lodge Shaurya Rohatgi #data #ai #database

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    The latest Vespa newsletter is out - highlights: 👉 RAG Vespa now provides LLM inference support, you can now implement a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) application entirely as a Vespa application. We have added a new sample application demonstrating RAG end-to-end on Vespa: - Generation using an external LLM like OpenAI - Running an LLM locally inside the Vespa application on CPU - Running an LLM inside the Vespa application on Vespa Cloud on GPU 👉 Fuzzy Search with Prefix Match A prefix search will match “Edvard Grieg” and “Edvard Gr”. A fuzzy search matches “Edvard Grieg” with “Edward Grieg”. From Vespa 8.337 you can combine the two to match “Edvard Grieg” and “Edward Gr”. Very powerful for query completion! 👉 Pyvespa Lots of new features, including a notebook that demonstrates how the rerank models (cross encoders) can be used for global phase reranking in Vespa. 👉 Vector search performance Up to 9x faster distance calculations! Improvements for euclidean, angular, hamming and dotproduct as well as for HNSW indexing. 👉 Embeddings Since Vespa 8.329, embed the data _once_ for multiple resolutions. Store low-res in memory, hi-res on disk to optimize for cost - then use two-phase ranking for low-latency search with high precision. Get started using Vespa with LlamaIndex! Check out the new Vespa Vector Store demo notebook. Deep dive into this and more features like 10x faster data migration in the latest Vespa Newsletter:

    Vespa Newsletter, May 2024

    Vespa Newsletter, May 2024

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    Vis organisasjonssiden til EM360Tech, grafisk

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    Ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of AI systems remains a significant challenge.💡 🤖 Generative AI must be combined with access to your company data in most use cases, a process called retrieval-augmented generation. Achieving good quality requires a combination of multiple vectors with text and structured data, using machine learning to make final decisions. 💥 enables solutions that do this while keeping latencies suitable for end users, at any scale. 🎙 In this episode of the EM360 Podcast, Kevin Petrie, VP of research at BARC US speaks to Jon Bratseth, CEO of, to discuss:  👉The opportunity for Generative AI in business 👉Why you need more than vectors to achieve high quality in real systems 👉How to create high-quality GenerativeAI solutions at an enterprise scale 🎧 Listen now: #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Data

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    Vis organisasjonssiden til EM360Tech, grafisk

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    Ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of AI systems remains a significant challenge.💡 🤖 Generative AI must be combined with access to your company data in most use cases, a process called retrieval-augmented generation. Achieving good quality requires a combination of multiple vectors with text and structured data, using machine learning to make final decisions. 💥 enables solutions that do this while keeping latencies suitable for end users, at any scale. 🎙 In this episode of the EM360 Podcast, Kevin Petrie, VP of research at BARC US speaks to Jon Bratseth, CEO of, to discuss:  👉The opportunity for Generative AI in business 👉Why you need more than vectors to achieve high quality in real systems 👉How to create high-quality GenerativeAI solutions at an enterprise scale 🎧 Listen now: #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Data Generative AI needs more than a Vector Database Generative AI needs more than a Vector Database

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    If you want to get up to date on IR for search and RAG, this book is the book you're looking for.

    Vis profilen til Aapo Tanskanen, grafisk

    Machine Learning and Data Science at Thoughtworks

    I wrote a roughly 20-page (+ charts and tables) guidebook to the state-of-the-art embeddings and information retrieval 🤓 It's based on some recent hands-on experiments and years of experience from numerous client projects, not forgetting the theoretical background. If you work with embeddings, retrieval/search or RAG, I recommend reading the whole guidebook, but feel free to check only the parts that interest you. It covers many of the issues you are likely to encounter when implementing bespoke production scale solutions: • Discussing embeddings and their generalizability • Learning about ColBERT model • Discussing vector databases and Vespa • Creating a dataset and labeling it with human-created and LLM-generated search queries • Evaluating 17 different off-the-shelf retrieval models (open-source, OpenAI and Cohere) • Deciding whether to chunk or not to chunk with the long context embedding models • Assessing hybrid retrieval and re-ranking • Evaluating commercial SaaS search services (Azure AI Search and GCP Vertex AI Search) • Fine-tuning an embedding model for efficiency and accuracy gains • Optimizing the embedding model and vector retrieval for production • Implementing interpretable neural retrieval While the content primarily targets a technical audience, the sections on "About embeddings and their generalizability" and "Interpretable neural retrieval" might appeal to a broader readership. As a conclusion, implementing state-of-the-art (embedding-based) information retrieval systems is not a quick or easy task, as evident from the length of this guidebook. While commercial off-the-shelf solutions can perform decently, combining open-source tools with machine learning expertise yields superior results. Robust information retrieval is an immensely valuable capability for most organizations, with or without the G of the RAG, when implemented properly. I hope this guidebook helps you in your journey towards that capability. While this guidebook primarily focused on embedding-based retrieval, it’s also important to remember that information retrieval encompasses much more than just embeddings. There is certainly space for future guidebooks too!

    Guidebook to the State-of-the-Art Embeddings and Information Retrieval

    Guidebook to the State-of-the-Art Embeddings and Information Retrieval

    Aapo Tanskanen på LinkedIn

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    This will unlock vector search for the 10-100x number of use cases where it has been too expensive until now. A must read if you're using embeddings.

    Vis profilen til Jo Kristian Bergum, grafisk

    Distinguished Engineer at

    Matryoshka 🤝 Binary vectors: Slash vector search costs with We announce support for combining matryoshka and binary quantization in Vespa’s native hugging-face embedder and discuss how this slashes vector search costs. Recent advances in text embedding models include matryoshka representation learning(MRL), which creates a hierarchy of embeddings with flexible dimensionalities, and binary quantization learning (BQL), which learns to encode float dimensions to 1-bit representation, representing text as a binary vector. Both MRL and BQL are instances of deep representational learning, albeit with variations in their representations. Read more:

    Matryoshka 🤝 Binary vectors: Slash vector search costs with Vespa

    Matryoshka 🤝 Binary vectors: Slash vector search costs with Vespa

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    Recommender systems need to multiply very large sparse matrices. e-commerce platform FARFETCH leverages Vespa's support for sparse and dense tensors + vector search to do this online in less then 100 milliseconds. To scale this you need a platform that provides all the elements of the solution as an integrated whole where computation and data is organized to minimize latency and scale to any size and load: "One of our major challenges is to do it without increasing our infrastructure indefinitely. To tackle this scalability challenge, we choose to use a vector database and Vespa matches our necessity because of all the available features: - Tensor Operations: Dense and sparse vector operations (e.g. map, reduce, slice, etc.). - Complex Ranking: Compute different signals (e.g. bm25, dot-product, cosine, etc.) and use them freely to rank document matches. - Keyword Search: You can use Vespa like Elasticsearch. - LTR: Native model service that can be used for ranking (e.g. LTR). - Filtering: Pre and post-filtering that you can tune to fit your use cases. - Performance: C++ code optimised to use SIMD operations when possible. With this, we intend to serve all recommendations for all platforms using Vespa and have no scalability issues when a new online retailer joins our services."

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    The vector database Marqo announces that they have chosen to build on Vespa after extensive benchmarking: "For Marqo 2, we looked at a number of open source and proprietary vector databases, including Milvus, Vespa, OpenSearch (AWS managed), Weaviate, Redis, and Qdrant." Vespa came out as the clear winner: "Our internal benchmarks revealed that Vespa excelled as the optimal choice, satisfying all the criteria mentioned above, including being highly performant. For example, with 50M vectors, Vespa had a P50 latency of 16ms vs 140ms for Milvus for an infrastructure identical in cost." and compared to their previous OpenSearch backed version: "this configurability was invaluable in reducing Marqo’s latency by more than half and increasing its throughput by up to 2x, compared to Marqo 1." The post contains some great insights into what people overlook when benchmarking: "Published benchmarks frequently fail to answer many questions that are critical in choosing a vector database for high throughput production vector search at very large scales. For instance: - In production use cases, it is common to encounter tens or even hundreds of millions of vectors. The performance of vector databases for such large numbers of vectors is a critical consideration. Most benchmarks, however, tend to focus on relatively small datasets. - How does the vector database perform under concurrent indexing and search, as well as ongoing mutation of indexed documents? Excellent search performance despite high throughput indexing and updates is a requirement for business-critical use cases. - How do different vector databases compare in terms of space complexity and memory efficiency? - What does it take to have a highly available deployment that can meet strict SLAs despite node failures?" Benchmarking is hard, but when done properly, Vespa tends to come out on top.

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