Nana Wiki

Takumi Ichinose (一ノ瀬 巧 (いちのせ たくみ) Ichinose Takumi) is the former bassist of the popular pop-rock band, Trapnest, and the husband of Nana Komatsu.


Takumi grew up with a lot of emptiness and angst. His mother was bedridden with illness, and his father dealt with this by becoming a bitter alcoholic. In addition, his sister got pregnant in high school. When his mother dies, Takumi takes complete responsibility to take care of her funeral, showing his maturity despite the temper and womanizing tendencies.

Music was his solace, he starts a music club in high school and later purses a music career with his band, Trapnest, which consisted of singer Layla, drummer Naoki, and other members who'd leave after disagreeing with Takumi's controlling ways. When the band moves to Tokyo, he convinces Yasu (Blast’s drummer), who convinces Ren to join Trapnest as their guitarist. Trapnest was an instant hit in Tokyo, with their album selling over a million copies.

Currently, he is married to Hachi with a son (Ren) and daughter (Satsuki) between them, where he is depicted as a loving father to them.

Physical appearance[]

Takumi is a tall young adult in his early 20s (most likely 23) of an average build, with broad shoulders. He is noted as being very handsome, and as a result, is rather popular with women.

He has long black hair that touches his shoulders, pale skin, and dark brown eyes. He has no other distinguishing features.

Takumi tends to dress in dark colored clothing. It is unclear whether he does so because he wants to, or because of the "image" he has to uphold as a member of Trapnest. He also has a bit of an expensive taste.

Personality and traits[]

On several occasions, Takumi is proven to be manipulative, egocentric, and self-isolating. According to his bandmates, he has a bad habit of sleeping around, showing little regard for the women he has sex with; even if he tells them he will be committed, he almost always ditches them after a one night stand. However, he lies and tells Hachi that he doesn't sleep around, and he is not very lucky with the ladies.

He continuously takes advantage of Hachi, once even physically preventing her from defending herself as he exposed her secret to Nobu and Nana. He seems to show no remorse for this action, or self awareness that what he did was wrong. Instead of apologizing, he just tells Hachi not to be too sad. When he tells Hachi that he wants to take care of the baby even if it isn't his, the implication is that he is going to "parent" from a distance and will send money to Hachi and not actually be present in the child's life.

Even from the very beginning, Takumi exhibited incredibly abusive and controlling behavior. He must always get his way, whether it's through managing the band, manipulating his friends and loved ones, or forcing Hachi into having sex with him. Nana even remarks at the beginning of an episode that someone has to be "seriously possessive" to come up with a band name like Trapnest.

In the rare occasions where his affectionate side shows through, it is possible to catch a glimpse of a scarred and lost man just trying to do what he can to stay in control of his own life.


Nana Komatsu[]

Despite the initial impression of Takumi, things take a different turn, and eventually, he seems to develop real love for Hachi. He does not express it in an overt or standard way, but he does express his affection for her in his own way.


  • The name Takumi means ''skill, adroit, clever'' (巧).
  • Takumi's surname Ichinose means "one" (一) (ichi) and "swift current, rapids" (瀬) (se).



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See also[]

