


18:03 Ticket #5658 (Privacy is now a major subject) closed by carike
wontfix: I disagree that Privacy is not at least as important as a top-level …
15:34 Ticket #5656 (Set a trac keyword for themes with the full-site-editing tag) reopened by poena
@kafleg You did not intend to close this, right?
15:09 Ticket #5657 (Fuzzy translation improvement suggestion) closed by NekoJonez
duplicate: Duplicate of #5624. Since this solution in this ticket is extremely …
14:06 Ticket #5659 (Fix bulk action to reject suggestions for CLPTE) created by fxbenard
As CLPTE, after importing suggestions we need to reject our own …
12:06 Ticket #5656 (Set a trac keyword for themes with the full-site-editing tag) closed by kafleg
invalid: Patch added.
10:53 Ticket #5658 (Privacy is now a major subject) created by arena
Privacy is now a major topic to choose a CMS. Documentation related …
10:07 Ticket #5657 (Fuzzy translation improvement suggestion) created by NekoJonez
So, when somebody suggests an update for a fuzzy string... It remains …
08:02 Ticket #5656 (Set a trac keyword for themes with the full-site-editing tag) created by poena
Setting a trac keyword when a full site editing theme is uploaded will …
03:42 Ticket #27 (Provide an option for adding multiple theme authors) reopened by poena
02:44 Changeset [10816] by dd32
Plugin Directory: API: Cast the rating field to an int just incase …


23:48 Changeset [10815] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Importer: Assign 'wordpressdotorg' as the default post …
22:41 Changeset [10814] by coffee2code
Markdown Importer: Add inline comment to note that not specifying keys …
22:40 Changeset [10813] by coffee2code
Markdown Importer: Add filter wporg_markdown_post_data_pre_insert
20:52 Changeset [10812] by coffee2code
Developer, CLI: Omit --skip-content flag when obtaining WP source. …
20:51 Changeset [10811] by coffee2code
Developer, Import Docs: Ensure a post type isn't added to the list twice.
20:48 Changeset [10810] by coffee2code
Markdown Importer: Recognize 'welcome' as a valid root page slug.
07:13 Ticket #5655 (Log who made changes to Polyglots caps) created by carike
It has now happened on a number of occasions where there were changes …
05:36 Changeset [10809] by dd32
Trac: Github PRs: Throw a warning early when the webhook is setup …
05:04 Changeset [10808] by dd32
Slack: Grant @markparnell announce rights in #core for helping with …
02:57 Changeset [10807] by dd32
Theme Directory: Give emails the directory send a proper sender name.
02:54 Changeset [10806] by dd32
Theme Directory: Theme uploads: Validate the file is a valid ZIP file …


22:11 Changeset [10805] by coreymckrill Learn: Sync with GitHub …
21:10 Ticket #5654 (Plugin Directory: Prevent adding new users/transfering ownership of ...) created by Ipstenu
Due to the high profile nature of those plugins, and the potential for …
19:19 Changeset [10804] by coffee2code
Developer, Block Editor Handbook: Fix redirects added for handbook …
05:42 Changeset [10803] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Tools: Standardise all the Tools::* methods to …
05:34 Changeset [10802] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Don't overwrite the global $post object in …
05:21 Changeset [10801] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Allow Plugin_Directory::get_plugin_post() to rely …
02:50 Ticket #5568 (Plugin Directory: Do not display author names if there are no committers) closed by dd32
fixed: In 10800: […]
02:50 Changeset [10800] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Anonymise the plugin author byline when there are no …


21:18 Changeset [10799] by SergeyBiryukov Main Theme: Update Roadmap and History pages with …
19:49 Changeset [10798] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Add WordPress 5.7 credits.
19:39 Ticket #5234 (Weekly Chats widget is frequently incorrect) closed by ryelle
fixed: A …
19:04 Ticket #5312 (Time of weekly meetings on main page is incorrect) closed by ryelle
fixed: The fix for this has been deployed, the meetings should be correct now.
17:51 Ticket #5653 (Plugin Directory: Track reasons for Rejection) created by Ipstenu
This came up in the conversation about making statistics boards for …
15:45 Ticket #2405 (Remove theme reviewer if no comment in 48 hours) closed by poena
maybelater: During the themes team meeting on March 9 2021 it was decided that …
11:43 Ticket #5588 (Duplicate heading links on closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for verifying!
11:11 Ticket #5639 (Clean old files on the block editor developer documentation) closed by coffee2code
fixed: The handbook has just been migrated. Old pages have been removed and …
08:40 Ticket #5640 (Redirect the block editor developer handbook old URLs) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 10797: […]
08:40 Changeset [10797] by coffee2code
Developer, Block Editor Handbook: Redirect slugs after handbook …
00:38 Changeset [10796] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Readme Validator: Allow passing the readme URL …


08:36 Ticket #5652 (Plugin Readme Header Spec Update) created by pewgeuges
The WordPress plugin readme.txt specification at …
00:45 Changeset [10795] by dd32
Theme Directory: Allow theme updates to include files with the @


20:41 Changeset [10794] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Watchlist: Play nicer with o2 to avoid error_log messages …
20:40 Changeset [10793] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Watchlist: Don't add watchlist to pages (outside scope of …
20:39 Ticket #5651 (P2 frontend actions on posts not available) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 10792: […]
20:39 Changeset [10792] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Init: Don't unhook o2_default_post_action_html() from …
20:38 Changeset [10791] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Watchlist: Improve code formatting and docs for …


18:58 Ticket #5647 (Update /roadmap Copy for 2021) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 10790: […]
18:58 Changeset [10790] by SergeyBiryukov Main Theme: Update Roadmap page content for 2021. Props …


12:37 Ticket #5651 (P2 frontend actions on posts not available) created by tobifjellner
Hi, Suddenly when I click on the horizontal ellipsis at the top of a …
05:21 Changeset [10789] by dd32
Theme Directory: reformat the layout of the failed command errors, for …
04:21 Ticket #5650 (New Core committers) closed by dd32
fixed: In 10788: […]
04:21 Changeset [10788] by dd32
Committers: Mark the new committers as committers, and give them a …
04:18 Changeset [10787] by dd32
Theme Directory: reformat the layout of the failed command errors, for …
02:44 Changeset [10786] by dd32
Theme Directory: Update the uploader to use an exec() wrapper which …
01:18 Changeset [10785] by dd32
Theme Directory: Fix theme uploads where new files were failing to be …
01:14 Changeset [10784] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Init: Unhook o2_default_post_action_html() from …
00:54 Changeset [10783] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Breadcrumbs: Use the handbook's actual name instead of just …
00:51 Changeset [10782] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Handbook: Prevent duplicate queries when trying to find …
00:50 Changeset [10781] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Explicitly remove '-handbook' from post types rather than …
00:48 Changeset [10780] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Handbook: If handbook name isn't set, try configured label.
00:47 Changeset [10779] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Importer: Fix get_cron_interval() to return the interval …
00:45 Changeset [10778] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Init: Use locally-determined post types and not …
00:44 Changeset [10777] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Admin Notices: Output error notice atop import handbook …
00:42 Changeset [10776] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Admin Notices: Outputs notice atop imported handbook …
00:40 Changeset [10775] by coffee2code
Handbooks: Add ability to import handbook content from a remote …
00:32 Changeset [10774] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Unit tests: Add tests for WPorg_Handbook.
00:31 Changeset [10773] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Unit tests: Abstract data provider for default handbook …
00:29 Changeset [10772] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Init & Handbook: Move primary handbook config options array …
00:25 Changeset [10771] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Admin Notices: Amend new handbook notice to clarify that …
00:23 Changeset [10770] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Unit tests: Add test for WPorg_Init::reset().
00:21 Changeset [10769] by coffee2code
Handbooks, Init & Handbook: Improve multi-handbook support and …
00:05 Changeset [10768] by coffee2code
Handbooks: Use WPorg_Handbook_Init::get_post_types() as the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.