


19:38 Ticket #5358 (Warn on plugin upload if text domain and plugin slug don't match) created by SergeyBiryukov
Per the …
17:24 Ticket #5357 (Plugin Directory Admin: Flag accounts who submit a lot of plugins ...) created by Ipstenu
People who submit a high volume of plugins right after making their …
16:57 Ticket #5356 (Plugin Directory: Reformat Author Card) created by Ipstenu
Now that we're tracking more information, we need to rejigger the page …
16:43 Ticket #5355 (Plugin Directory: Clarify what we mean by author/plugin URIs in header) created by Ipstenu
Enough people get confused by this, so I want to simplify the …
16:39 Ticket #5354 (Plugin Directory: Don't send rejection emails to blocked users) created by Ipstenu
In order to reduce ongoing abuse and harassment by misbehaving …
12:10 Ticket #5353 (Increase base font-size on make blogs) created by williampatton
The font sizing and color on the make blog is considered hard to read …
08:27 Ticket #5352 (Plugin Security - Add email confirmation prior to releases being processed) created by dd32
With auto-updates in WordPress 5.5 becoming as simple as a few mouse …
08:02 Ticket #5351 (Plugin Security - Notify plugin committers when a new committer is added) created by dd32
To ensure that plugin authors are aware of what's happening with the …
04:42 Changeset [10120] by dd32
Gutenberg Theme: Update image assets. Props nrqsnchz. See …
04:25 Changeset [10119] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Store translated block titles for searching. …
03:37 Changeset [10118] by tellyworth
Plugin directory: check block plugins for multiple namespaces. See #5303.
01:49 Changeset [10117] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Transform Block Directory block searches …
01:36 Changeset [10116] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Load ElasticSearch on direct rest api …
01:29 Changeset [10115] by dd32
Plugin Directory: API: Ensure searches use the correct locale when …
01:01 Changeset [10114] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Index translated content for plugins that …


19:01 Ticket #5350 (Disable Jetpack FB sharing count updating feature) closed by Otto42
fixed: Added to a mu-plugin in [dotorg:16329].
15:37 Ticket #5350 (Disable Jetpack FB sharing count updating feature) created by jonoaldersonwp
Jetpack comes with a feature to dynamically update Facebook share …


22:09 Changeset [10113] by iandunn
Events: Extend online camp promotion through 2020. See …
19:45 Changeset [10112] by coffee2code
Developer theme: Remove unnecessary static keyword from function to …
17:12 Changeset [10111] by ryelle
Plugin Directory: Add a total size check for block plugins This will …
14:35 Ticket #5349 (List of all videos with a subtitle) created by casiepa
Currently on at the very end …
11:05 Ticket #5348 (Redirect legacy mobile subdomain forums into new support forums) created by jonoaldersonwp
The forums at Blacberry, …
10:22 Ticket #5347 (Add a robots.txt file to created by jonoaldersonwp
The site at should have a robots.txt file, with …


21:25 Changeset [10110] by ryelle
Plugin Directory: Fix spelling & grammar issues on block checker See #5303
20:27 Changeset [10109] by ryelle
Plugin Directory: Skip composer framework files when checking size of …
07:50 Ticket #5346 (Characters like &,<,? does not seem to be showing correctly in some ...) created by kmarcink
There seem to be something wrong with the WP coding standards page …
05:25 Changeset [10108] by dd32
Trac: Pipe Upgrade/Install commits/tickets to both #core and …
00:24 Changeset [10107] by dd32
Breathe: Try setting <code> font-size to 0.9em. Props ocean90, …


10:48 Ticket #5345 (Document indexing controls) created by jonoaldersonwp
We've made a lot of progress in introducing indexing controls …
10:06 Ticket #4563 (Search results pages on WordCamp Central should be noindex'd) closed by jonoaldersonwp
fixed: Solved upstream
09:05 Ticket #5344 (Delete stale, orphaned topic tags) created by jonoaldersonwp
Topic tags which have only one related posts, where that member was …
08:33 Ticket #5341 (p2-breathe: remove forced 11px font-size from <code> tags) reopened by ocean90
[10103] doesn't look good to me, see attached screenshots. Let's use a …
05:55 Changeset [10106] by dd32
Locale Detection: Don't accept an array of locales. This resolves a …
05:22 Changeset [10105] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Blocks: Trigger a block e2e run after each block import.
04:34 Changeset [10104] by tellyworth
Plugin dir: catch PHP syntax errors when checking block plugins. See …


21:30 Ticket #5343 (SVN: Update precommit hooks to block 'compressed' files.) created by Ipstenu
Pre-commit hooks should block the following prohibited filetypes: * …
16:57 Ticket #5342 (Glossary copy injected into embed excerpt) closed by Otto42
fixed: Fixed in wporg-glossary plugin: …
16:29 Ticket #5342 (Glossary copy injected into embed excerpt) created by JeffPaul
I'm not certain if this should be opened as a Core Trac ticket, …
08:41 Ticket #5341 (p2-breathe: remove forced 11px font-size from <code> tags) closed by dd32
fixed: In 10103: […]
08:41 Changeset [10103] by dd32
Breathe: Use a more reasonable font-size for <code> tags. The …
07:51 Ticket #5341 (p2-breathe: remove forced 11px font-size from <code> tags) created by audrasjb
In p2-breathe theme, there is a very annoying font-size: 11px CSS …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.