
Opened 18 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#6734 new feature request

Configurable welcome email automatically sent to new translators

Reported by: webaxones's profile Webaxones Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Translate Site & Plugins Keywords:


It would be super productive if GTEs could write an email template (in HTML format) that would be automatically sent to any new translator right after their first contribution.
Something that would say:
Did you know that there is documentation on the rules to follow… Your translations will be validated faster… Here are the names of the people responsible for your locale… You can find the typographical rules on this page, the glossary on this other page...
The idea behind this would be to pass the correct guidelines to new contributors before they scatter piles of bad translations all over the place. Because there can be quite a long delay before an editor spots them, and in the meantime they will have done some damage.
If ever an email is not feasible, a welcome popup on Translate would be another solution. But still allowing the GTEs to edit the content as they can on the glossary.

Change History (5)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by lolo. View the logs.

18 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #polyglots by kharisulistiyo. View the logs.

18 months ago

#3 follow-up: @LidiaLAB
18 months ago

Hi Loïc,
this is a very good idea.

Perhaps a popup or a "welcome box" are better, because they are even more immediate and bypasses email-related problems (such as false-spam, delivery delays, emails burnout...).

I will follow your initiative with interest.
Thanks, ciao, Lidia

#4 @matteospi
18 months ago


I also think that could be a good idea. The only thing we should think about is also about privacy matters. We should explain better to users and give them a switcher to stop receiving these type of e-mails.

#5 in reply to: ↑ 3 @Webaxones
18 months ago

Absolutely. I think the popup is the easiest solution. As long as we catch the newcomer before he messes everything up ;p

Replying to LidiaLAB:

Hi Loïc,
this is a very good idea.

Perhaps a popup or a "welcome box" are better, because they are even more immediate and bypasses email-related problems (such as false-spam, delivery delays, emails burnout...).

I will follow your initiative with interest.
Thanks, ciao, Lidia

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