
Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5421 closed defect (bug) (fixed)

Parser didn't update documentation

Reported by: sebastienserre's profile sebastienserre Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Developer Hub Keywords:



With WP 5.5.1, the auto_plugin_update_send_email filter has been modificated and the doc page has not been updated since the release:

Is it normal ?

Change History (3)

#1 @dd32
4 years ago

@coffee2code Do you usually run the documentation import process?

I think we need to update the Minor Release handbook to mention how to get a docs import run

#2 @coffee2code
4 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

I went ahead and ran the documentation import process for WP 5.5.1 about two weeks ago at this point.

I've been indisposed so hadn't done it earlier.

As for the steps to run it currently:

  1. User with sandbox should obtain and unzip a copy of the WP release to be parsed. Note: The version of WP actively running on the sandbox should not be used.
    > mkdir /home/wporg/public_html/wp-content/developer ;# if first time. specific path isn't special
    > cd /home/wporg/public_html/wp-content/developer
    > wget
    > unzip
    > mv wordpress wpX.Y.Z ;# optional (so the version is more explicit); use actual version of course, though actual directory name is not special
  2. Install/update PHP-Parser plugin. (This should be sandbox-only and not committed.) Note: Do not activate the plugin, the importer will handle things.
    > wp plugin install --force --url=
  3. Run the importer. Path is to the WP directory from the end of step 1.
    > wp devhub parse /home/wporg/public_html/wp-content/developer/wpX.Y.Z --url=
  4. Sit back, it can take a little while. When it's done, you're done.

I could very much script that as part of the devhub parse CLI command and basically reduce the whole thing down to the call from step 3.

I've recently made some minor tweaks so I'd probably want to do a parsing from scratch to ensure I don't have any local customizations that I haven't accounted for above before I could sign off on it. I'll see about getting it all into one step at the same time.

#3 @dd32
4 years ago

Thanks @coffee2code!

I think it would make sense to make wp devhub parse do it all, create a copy of WP in /tmp install the needed plugin, parse, and then cleanup (remove tmp files, remove the parsing plugin).

In that case, could make it explicit to avoid incorrect versions by passing the version, and bailing/warning if it doesn't match expected values.

$ wp --url= devhub parse 5.5.1
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