
Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#273 reopened defect (bug)

Keyboard navigation friendliness for Trac

Reported by: helen's profile helen Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Trac Keywords:


In attempting to navigate around Trac one-handed, I noticed some funky things like randomly defined tabindices on WikiFormatting links that prevent natural tab ordering. There are also an unwieldy number of links overall that make it tiresome to navigate in general.

Change History (6)

#1 @nacin
11 years ago

Somewhat related: I'm going to remove the terrible/useless "Keyword Shortcuts" preferences pane (, TracAccessibility). Recently, I've already hidden "Advanced" (only shown if logged out; it's for session management) and the Name/Email on "General".

#2 @nacin
11 years ago

In 255:

Trac: Remove useless/terrible "Keyboard Shortcuts" preferences pane. see #273.

#3 @helen
11 years ago

  • Status changed from new to closed

In general the page hierarchy is still decent, so those who navigate by jumping between headings will probably do okay. The number of links is crazy, though, and my attempts to get to the next button using find occasionally go awry. That said, I think we'd do well to remove the random taborder attributes completely and just go with natural tab ordering, and adding some jump links would probably be a good idea, and possibly an extra set of preview/submit buttons below the "Add Comment" text box so you can tab right to them rather than going through the entire modify ticket part.

My suggestions for jump links would be:

  • Ticket (#ticket)
  • Attachments (#attachments)
  • Comments (#changelog)
  • Notifications (#notifications)
  • Add Comment (#trac-add-comment)

#4 @nacin
11 years ago

  • Status changed from closed to reopened

You managed to close this ticket without a resolution. I think it is possible when "mark as duplicate" is chosen but no ticket is added. Already ticketed as #112, I think.

#5 @helen
11 years ago

With tabbing around, it's easy to accidentally trigger that, as tabbing into the input field selected the radio button but I didn't realize it. I guess it's less convenient, but perhaps that text input should be disabled unless the radio button is selected, like the resolution select above.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by obenland. View the logs.

7 years ago

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