
Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#1455 new enhancement

Surfacing Related Content on WPTV

Reported by: davidjlaietta's profile davidjlaietta Owned by:
Milestone: Improved Search Priority: normal
Component: Keywords:


I'd like to have a discussion around content curation and related content on While discussing potential redesign (a project still up in the air), we haven't done much discussion on how users will find videos of interest.

For instance, at State of the Word 2015, Matt spoke at great length about the REST API and JavaScript. This week has seen a flurry of discussion surrounding the future of WordPress in these regards. I think that it's a missed opportunity to not surface some of the highest rated talks (preferably captioned and translated to some extent) that already exist and relate to these topics. This could also put emphasis on talks that we think would be popular and move up in the queue to get the captioning treatment.

There are a few methods that I can think of to do this:

  • Blocks of content on the homepage of that relate to a specific topic in-depth.
  • Social posts via FB/Twitter/etc sharing videos in those topics
  • Tagging videos more thoroughly by these categories
  • Playlists on the official YouTube channel around specific topics.

This ticket is to discuss whether these features/tasks are desirable, and to discuss methods of completion.

Change History (2)

#1 @kraftbj
9 years ago

One off the cuff idea—for the videos that are captioned, could put the the text into the content (hidden behind a more tag that is set to not be displayed?) and activate the Related Posts feature of wpcom/Jetpack. That'll provide some natural language results back for each particular video. I think the other ideas are all good too, but this, potentially, could be a nice addition too.

#2 @gibrown
7 years ago

  • Milestone set to Improved Search
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